Staff Availability

Knowing when staff is available to work and when they need time off is important for scheduling classes and finding substitutes.

In Jackrabbit, you can enter and track your staff's availability in their Staff recordsThe time blocks will be displayed on the Classic Daily Class Calendar (Day View) and highlighted in the colors of your choice. These color-coded entries provide an at-a-glance view of who is available and who has the day off.

Save administration time by allowing staff to enter their own availability in their Staff Portals! Learn how to Enter Availability in the Staff Portal.

Settings for Staff Availability

The settings that control Staff Availability are located under the Gear icon > Settings > General > Organization Defaults in the Staff Availability Settings section.

Color Display Theme

The colors selected in these settings will be the colors that display:

  • in the Staff record, on the Availability tab
  • on the Classic Daily Class Calendar
  • in the Staff Portal, on the My Schedule page

If you prefer, you can change the default colors shown below using the drop-down for each of the Available Hours and the Time Off Hours. If you know the hex code of the color you want, enter it here or use the slider to select a color.

Staff Availability Notifications 

Choose whether or not you want to receive notification emails when staff members update their Availability and Time Off through their Staff Portal. 

When set to Yes, Jackrabbit will send a notification to the email address that has been entered in the setting’s email field. The email address defaults to your organization's email address (Gear icon > Account > My Account > Organizational Defaults) but can be changed if needed. To specify multiple email addresses, list them separated by a semicolon. Example:;

Enter Availability and Time Off

Within Jackrabbit, a staff member's availability is managed from the Availability tab of their Staff record. The Export/Print iconcan be used to select Print or Export to Excel.

In order to access the Availability tab in the Staff record, a User must have the Availability tab User Permission (in the Staff category). Learn more about Permissions for Jackrabbit Users.

Add a Staff Member's Availability

  1. Go to the Staff record > Availability tab.
  2. Use the Add Availability button to open the Add Availability window.
  3. Enter the date, in the From date field,  when the availability will take effect. Select Same Day Entry to add the From date in the To date field.
    • Optionally, add a To date that is the last day of the period the availability applies to. Tip: If no end date applies and the availability is indefinite, leave the To date blank. 
  4. Enter the times they can start work and when they need to be finished. 
    • Click on the day of the week for an all-day entry (12:00am - 11:59pm)
    • If they are available for a split shift, use thebutton to add another time block for the day. 
    • Use thebutton to delete additional time blocks. 
    • Use Copy to All to add the start and end times to all other days.
  5. Add a comment (max 500 characters) if you choose. This comment can be viewed from the schedule card in the Staff record > Availability tab using the View Comment link. It will also display on the Classic Daily Class Calendar when a User hovers over the time block.
  6. Click Save. A schedule card is added to the Availability tab. Use the Edit and Delete links to manage the availability.

Add a Staff Member's Time Off

  1. Go to the Staff record > Availability tab.
  2. Use the Add Time Off button to open the Add Time Off window.
  3. In the From date field, enter the date the time off starts. Select Same Day Entry to add the From date in the To date field.
  4. In the To date field, enter the last day of the date range in which the time off is scheduled. 
  5. Enter the times and days of the week they will be off. 
    • Click on the day of the week for an all-day entry (12:00am - 11:59pm)
    • Use Copy to All to add the start and end times to all other days.
    • Use thebutton to add another time block for the day if needed.
    • Use thebutton to delete additional time blocks.
    • Hover over a From or To field and use thebutton to delete the entry.
  6. Add a comment (max 500 characters) if you choose. This comment can be viewed from the schedule card in the Staff record > Availability tab using the View Comment link. It will also display on the Classic Daily Class Calendar when a User hovers over the time block.
  7. Click Save. A schedule card is added to the Availability tab. Use the Edit and Delete links to manage the time off.

Track and Report on Staff Availability

Availability on the Classic Daily Class Calendar

The Classic Daily Class Calendar displays staff availability and time off as color-coded time blocks. Hover over a time block to see any comments added to the availability or time off.

The Classic Daily Class Calendar can be accessed in several ways:

  • Use theCalendar link, available on every page in Jackrabbit (top right), to access the Classic Weekly Class Calendar. Select the Day View button, or a specific day/date in the calendar, to open the Classic Daily Class Calendar.
  • On the Executive Dashboard, click the blue Weekly Calendar button. Select the Day View button, or a specific day/date in the calendar, to open the Classic Daily Class Calendar.
  • On the All Classes page (Classes menu), click the Filtered Calendar iconand select Daily from the drop-down list. The calendar defaults to the current day.

    Note: Staff availability does not impact or prevent the scheduling/creation of classes and does not interact with the Time Clock.

The colors used for the class times on classic calendars in Jackrabbit can be customized from the Gear icon > Settings > General > Drop-down Lists in the Category 1 list.

Staff Availability Report

The Staff Availability report makes scheduling easier by allowing you to see the full picture of your staff's availability and time off over a period of time. 

The Staff Availability report is controlled by the Staff Availability User Permission (in the Reports category). Learn more about Permissions for Jackrabbit Users.

Go to the Staff menu > Staff Reports and select Staff Availability

  1. Print or Export to Excel from the More menu.
  2. Use the search fields to filter for a specific record. For example, enter a staff member's name to display only their availability records.
  3. Enter dates or use the date picker to narrow results or to see future availability.
  4. Each staff person's name links directly to the Availability tab in their Staff record.
  5. Comments entered in the availability record will be displayed in the grid.

Click here to watch a short (30 sec) tutorial on the Staff Availability report
