Every User requires a valid and unique User ID to access Jackrabbit.
Overview information for User ID credentials and brief description.
Jackrabbit User ID passwords are case sensitive and can be reset in several ways.
Detailed instructions to Add or Revoke a User ID.
Creating a duplicate User ID with the same permissions saves time.
Stay informed of product updates, receive time-saving tips, and more by defining the roles that best describe a User's responsibilities.
Information about User ID Permissions to help safeguard your data.
Provide Users with the right user permissions.
All User IDs need a valid email address in the system.
Normal, revoked, or locked out are the three statuses for User IDs.
Your role defines where you will need to log in for Jackrabbit access.
Jackrabbit offers visibility into the activities of each User ID.
The User Activity report gives you insights into actions Users have taken.
View recent User's activity on an account for the past 2 days.