Sell Drop-in Classes in Jackrabbit

Many organizations offer drop-ins for scenarios such as open gym or 'pay as you go' classes. Since the student is attending a single class, tracking isn’t necessary. The drop-in “pass” is used the same day it is purchased. Use Jackrabbit to help you sell and track these flexible enrollment options!

Set up Drop-ins in Jackrabbit

Jackrabbit’s Store can be used to sell drop-in passes quickly and easily. 

  1. Add a Category 1 value of ‘Drop-in’ to help with revenue reporting.
  2. Create a store item with the price for an individual class. Note: you may need to create multiple ‘drop-in’ items for classes with different durations and or prices.
  3. Sell the store item when a student drops in. 
The student doesn’t need to be enrolled in the class. If the student is already in your system, their 'attendance' can be seen by looking at the transaction history on the Family record.

An alternative to selling drop-ins (pay as you go) is to sell punch cards (pay for all visits front). Learn how to Sell and Track Punch Cards in Jackrabbit.
