The Executive Dashboard - An Overview

The Executive Dashboard empowers you with key metrics, data visualizations, alerts, and more. Dive deeper with quick and easy access to related reports. 

  • Understand your data with visualizations that provide a clear picture of trends and patterns.
  • Track performance at a glance with key metrics that update in real-time.
  • Stay ahead of the game with alerts that call out items that need your attention.
  • Customize your Executive Dashboard layout to focus on what matters most to you.

Every widget on the Executive Dashboard is controlled by User Permissions, letting you decide what data your Users' can see and what actions they can take. Each help article for the Executive Dashboard widgets covers the required permissions.

Use the links below to learn about each of the widgets on the Executive Dashboard.

Key Metrics

At a glance information on enrollment and drops,  active records (Family, Student, Class, Instructor), and registrations with quick access to related reports.

To Do Tasks

Assign tasks to yourself and your staff and monitor their progress.


View actionable and informative alerts and use quick links to access important information, including upcoming birthdays, waitlists with openings, overdue staff certifications, and more.

Aged Accounts

Aged accounts are broken into time buckets that can be color-coded to alert you to the family accounts that need attention.

Revenue Summary

Bar charts represent your revenue with two options: the current year compared to two previous years or 12-month trailing revenue.

Internal Announcements

Keep your Jackrabbit Users in the loop at a glance.

