The Class Rolls report displays information for students enrolled in a selected class or classes and is generally used when taking class attendance manually when the Staff Portal Attendance feature is not being used. The report can be generated using the Class Roll button in the Class record for an individual class.
Display settings allow you to choose which student and family information you want to be included on the rolls, for example, allergies and special needs and absence and makeup information (if your system is set to track absences).
The rolls can be generated in several formats, including PDF, Excel, HTML, Word, Text, and Tiff.
Important Notes about Class Rolls
- Notes that are entered on a Student record > Misc tab, in the Notes field will display on the Class Rolls report; there is not an option to hide them.
- In order to have the class dates completed on the Class Roll, the class must have the day(s) the class meets selected on the Summary tab of the Class record.
Save a frequently used report for quick and easy access! Click the Heart iconnext to a report name to change the heart to red
and add the report to your Reports menu > My Reports.