Family Paid Fees With Credit Card and is Eligible for a Partial Refund (Refund Example)

A family paid a tuition fee of $150.00 and a registration fee of $35 with their Discover card. They have withdrawn from the class and are eligible for a partial refund. They have a $0.00 current balance. The tuition fee of $150.00 will be refunded back to their Discover card. The family balance will not change.

Process a Refund

  1. Click the R on the payment line.
  2. The Post Date and Refund Method are pre-filled and cannot be edited for an ePayment refund (refund to card).
  3. Optionally add a Note.
  4. Check the Tuition Fee and leave the Refund Amt at 150.00. Note: If you were refunding a partial amount, you'd change the Refund Amt field. Because the registration fee is not being refunded, leave it unchecked.
  5. Click Next.

  6. Click Not Due in the Are Fees Still Due? window because the tuition fee is no longer owed. Note: The registration fee will be grayed out here because it was not selected to be refunded.
  7. Click Submit Refund. A confirmation of the transaction will appear with an approval or decline code.

Family Transaction Tab View

  • A Refund - Tuition Fee transaction has been added for $150.00 and is linked to the original payment and the original fee.
  • A Refund Adjustment has been added so that the family's balance is correct. It is linked to the refund transaction.
  • The family balance does not change.
  • The refund transaction ID and status are available in the ePmt column.
  • The R icon is still visible for the payment because it has not been completely refunded.
