Add Family Balances to Imported Data

If your imported data files don't contain the current family balance, you can enter this information manually for all families that have either a debit or credit sitting on their account at the time you begin using Jackrabbit. First you must add additional drop-downs lists to use.

Create Transaction Types Drop-down list:

  1. Go to the Gear (icon) > Settings > General > Drop-down Lists (left menu) > Transaction Types
  2. Add a Carryover Balance (Debit) and a Carryover Balance (Credit) to your Transaction Types list. 
  3. Click Save Changes

For families that have a balance due: 

  • On the family page, use the Make Sale/Post Fee button and post the fee for the carryover amount they owe. Select Carryover Balance (Debit) as the Trans Type. 

For families that have a credit on their account: 

  • On the family page, use the Payment button and record a payment for the carryover credit amount they have. Select Carryover Balance (Credit) as the Trans Type.