Sell Recital Tickets with Tututix

Managing ticket sales manually takes time. Simplify and streamline your recital ticketing process with Tututix Online Dance Recital Ticketing!

How it Works:

  1. You sign up online with Tututix.
    Quick and easy setup, free to studio owners.
  2. Patrons buy tickets.
    Tickets can be purchased from your dedicated event page at, from your Facebook page, or via a toll-free call center. A small fee is passed on to your patrons to cover the cost of the service.
  3. Tututix prints and ships the tickets.
    Tickets can be sent electronically via email or smartphone. Full color, foil-embossed, barcoded keepsake tickets can be mailed directly to patrons.
  4. You receive ticket proceeds.
    Ticket sales proceeds are direct deposited weekly. Note: Due to issues with Canadian Banking systems caused by the pandemic, Tututux is currently processing in USD only. Canadian clients will be paid in check form unless they hold an American bank account.

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