Enrollment Reports

This section contains enrollment report descriptions and how to use them.

Understand Enrollment Types

This article provides a brief description of different Enrollment Types with links to additional information.

Drop History Report

Select the Search Criteria to filter your student data to show students who have dropped, transferred, or completed classes.

Enroll History Report

The Enroll History report lists students and the dates the students were placed into classes based on the Search Criteria.

Enrollment Detail Report

The Enrollment Detail report allows you to create multiple reports based on current and historical class enrollment.

Enrollment Snapshot Reports

These Enrollment Snapshot reports are intended to be a quick "snapshot" of your enrollment multiplied by the tuition fee.

Search Waitlists Report

To determine how many students are waitlisted for classes, go to the Classes with Waitlists data visual on All Classes or use the Wait List report.

Enrollment Trending Report

This report provides a snapshot of your current enrollment count by Category.

Process Class Registrations Report

The Process Class Registrations report provides you with a streamlined way to work through registrations and enrollments.