Protect Your Account - Guidelines for User Permissions

A great way to protect your business data and confidential financial information is to be sure all Users have the right user permissions. Having the right permissions allows each User to access the parts of Jackrabbit they need to perform their tasks successfully.

Almost every permission will be checked off and activated when Jackrabbit first sets up a new account. This initial User ID is intended to be the account System Administrator. Once the System Administrator User ID has been completed, they can create additional User IDs as needed.

Create a template for different User ID staff roles. Once a template is created, you can select the template in the User ID column under Manage Users and click the Clone User button to duplicate a User ID and create a new User ID with the same permissions. This saves lots of time and you won't have to select the permissions each time. 

We have indicated which User permissions are related to the following in the tables below:

  • Financial information - Credit card information, transactions, family balances, fees, and credits/payments fall into this category.
  • Areas of caution - These permissions are sensitive and may not be appropriate for general staff access. 
  • Areas requiring extreme caution - Deleting data, classes, events, students, and leads. These permissions can significantly affect your account and should be assigned to the appropriate administrator.

NOTE: Permissions without a check mark must be checked off manually once a User ID is created. Contact the Support Team if you need help with User permissions.

Financial Information
Use Caution
Use Extreme Caution
Financial Info & Use Caution

Expand each section to view the permissions by category and see what the permission controls.


User Permission
View Restricted FilesHas access to view restricted files.
Family, Student, Contact Name SearchGlobal Name search box at top of screen.
Dashboard - AlertsRequires permissions Executive Dashboard.
Dashboard - Revenue SummaryRequires permissions Executive Dashboard.
Dashboard - Aged AccountsRequires permissions Executive Dashboard.
Dashboard - MetricsRequires permissions Executive Dashboard.
Dashboard - Edit SettingsRequires permissions Executive Dashboard.
Edit Users-Definable FieldsEdit user-definable field labels.
Export Grid InformationUser can export to Excel any information listed in grids.
Print Grid InformationUser can print information listed in grids.


User Permission
View Family PageHas access to view the details of a family.
List FamiliesHas access to Families Advanced Search, List Active Families, and List All Families (also see permission "View Family page").
Email Families & Email/Print Student SchedulesEmail families, students, and/or instructors, as well as email or print student schedules. Has access to the Notifications page.
Add Family/AccountAdd Family menu item. Can add a Family.
Quick Family Student EnrollAbility to Add a Family, Parents, Students and Enroll the student in a class from one screen.
Delete Family/AccountDelete Family from Family page.
Merge Families/AccountsCan merge two families/accounts together.
Post FeesPost Fees button. Can Enter fees.
Add StudentAdd Student button. Can add a student.
Add ContactCan add a family contact (has access to the Add Contact button on the Family page).
StatementAbility to generate a single Family Statement (has access to the Statement button on the Family page).
BalanceAbility to view Family Balance.
Transactions TabHas access to view the transaction records on the Transactions tab.
Billing Info TabHas access to view/edit the fields on the Billing Info tab.
View/Edit Credit Card & Bank AccountHas access to view, enter/change the Family Credit Card and Bank Account number.
Post Credit Card TransactionsCan post charges to a Credit Card on file. 
Void on CardAbility to void credit card payments processed through an e-commerce gateway (also see permission "Post Credit Card Transactions").
Refund on CardAbility to refund credit card payments processed through an e-commerce gateway (also see permission "Post Credit Card Transactions").
Post RefundAbility to post a refund.
Edit TransactionOn Transactions tab, this user can edit a single transaction.
Delete TransactionOn Transactions tab, can delete a single transaction.
Payment/Credit entry buttonAccess to the Payment/Credit button where you can pay off charges. Access is needed for Store one-time payments.
Lead File - AccessHas access to view and search existing leads only.
Lead File - ManageHas access to edit/archive/restore a lead file.
Delete LeadsPermission to delete lead from Lead File.
Lead File - EmailHas access to email leads.
Lead File - Mass ArchiveHas Access to perform a mass archive.
Lead File - Export LeadsHas Access to export all leads to a file.
Clear Family User-defined Fields and Family/Student Fixed Fees and DiscountsCan do a mass update to clear Family User-defined Fields and Family/Student Fixed Fees and Discounts.


User Permission
List StudentsHas access to Students Advanced Search, List Active Students, and List All Students.
View Student PageHas access to view detailed student information.
Enroll StudentEnroll Student button. Can enroll students.
Skills Mass Update & Class Skills/Levels tabAbility to view/use the Skills/Levels Mass Update and the Class Skills/Levels tab.
Skills/Levels Add to ClassesAdd Skills/Levels to Classes.
Drop StudentDrop a student from a class.
Delete StudentDelete Student from the Student page.
Delete AbsenceAbility to delete a student absence.
Medical InfoAbility to view/edit medical information.
Clear Immunization fieldsCan use All Students to perform a mass update on the Student's Medical tab; resetting the YN field and clearing the Notes field.
Clear Student User-defined Fields and Update Student GradesCan do a mass update to clear user-defined fields on the Student Miscellaneous tab. Can do a mass update to the grade level for all students.


User Permission
Add ClassAdd Class menu item. Can add a Class.
Delete & Copy a ClassDelete and Copy a Class from the Class page.
Mass DropMass Drop button. Can perform a Mass Drop on a Class.
List ClassesList Classes, Weekly/Daily/Room Schedules, Monthly Class Calendar.
View ClassesHas access to class details and view classes in Global Classes Search, Advanced Searches, List Classes, Class Openings, Waitlists, and Schedules.
Edit Class Summary TabAbility to edit Class Summary tab. Also, see "Edit All Classes" permission.
Email ClassAbility to send an Email to all parents and students associated with a Class. Must also have permissions to List Classes and View Classes.
OpeningsClass Openings report (under Classes menu).
Class ScheduleCan view the Class Schedule report (under Classes menu).
Class RollsHas access to class roll & sign in/sign out report.
Edit WaitlistCan edit the Waitlist.
Copy ClassesCopy classes in a Session (or Category within a session) including enrollment and/or tuition fees.
Edit All ClassesEdit all classes in a spreadsheet format.
Archive (Terminate) ClassesArchive (Terminate) Classes that have been completed.
Delete Drop HistoryCan delete individual Past Enrollment records (Drop History) for the class.
Costumes/Apparel TabCan add/edit/remove costumes, products, equipment to/from a class.
Class Costume SizesEdit Student Costume Size from the Class page.
Edit Master Lesson PlansEdit your organization's Lesson Plans (templates) that can be imported and used per class.
Waiting List ReportList of all students on a class waiting list.
Manage SubstitutesCan add, edit and delete substitute records.


User Permission
Events ModuleThe master control for the Event Pulldown menu. This needs to be on to access any Events menu items.
Add Event TypesCan add new event types.
Delete Event TypesAbility to Delete Event Types.
Add Event Date and TimeAbility to add an individual Date and Time.
Delete Event Date and TimeAbility to Delete an individual Date and Time.
Email EventAbility to send an Email to all parents and students associated with an Event. Must also have permission for the Event Module.
Recital ModuleAbility to edit and view recitals.
Delete RecitalHas access to delete recitals.


User Permission
List StaffHas access to List Active Staff, List All Staff, Staff Advanced Search.
Add Staff/InstructorCan Add a staff person or an Instructor.
Delete Staff/InstructorCan Delete a Staff person/Instructor.
Compensation tabHas access to view/edit the fields on the Compensation tab on the Instructor page.
Compensation tab when User ID is linked to StaffView Compensation tab only when User ID is linked.
Time Card and Portal Settings tabAllows access to the Staff Time Card and Portal Settings tab.
Feedback tabHas access to view/edit the fields on the Feedback tab on the Instructor page.
Staff Skills tabHas access to view/edit the fields on the Staff Skills tab.
Certifications tab and reportHas access to view/edit Staff > Certifications and Staff/Instructor Certifications tabs.
Availability tabHas access to see the Availability tab on the Staff/Instructor screen and can Edit Instructor Availability.
Misc. tabHas access to fields on the Staff/Instructor Misc. tab.
Staff Record Notes TabCan view the Staff Notes tab and has access to view, add, edit, and delete notes.
Classes Tab - Class LinksCan access Class Page from Staff/Instructor page.
Instructor CalendarCan view the Staff/Instructor's Calendar.
Weekly ScheduleCan view their Weekly Schedule.
Email StaffHas access to email staff.
Pay Rate ReportHas access to view the Pay Rate report.
Add Time EntryAbility to add a Staff Time Entry.
Clear Immunization fieldsCan use Active Staff to perform a mass update on the Staff's Misc tab; resetting the YN field and clearing the Notes field.
View/Manage Staff PINSCan view and manage Staff PINs used to open self check-in.


User Permission
Delete TransactionsCan Delete Transactions based on search criteria (from the Transaction Menu).
Search for Deleted TransactionsCan search for deleted transactions in Transactions Search.
Delete E-commerce TransactionCan delete payments processed through an e-commerce gateway.
Post Class Transactions, Post Annual FeesPost transactions to multiple students enrolled in a Class or Event at one time, like competition fees. Post Group Fee (on class page and Event page).
Post Late/Misc FeesCan post Late/Misc Fees for families/students.
Post Tuition FeesCan run a Post Tuition Fees which generates the tuition transactions for each family with an enrolled student. Can edit "Tuition Billing Method".
Delete Tuition FeesCan Delete Tuition Fees that back out tuition billing transactions generated by Post Tuition Fees.
Edit Payment AmountAbility to edit the payment amount.
Process Credit Cards and Bank AccountsCan charge all e-Payment accounts (Credit Cards and Bank Accounts) with a balance.
Process Credit Cards - Ignore Pre-PaymentsCan charge Credit Cards and Bank Accounts the full amount of the fee and ignore pre-payments.
Edit Original FeeCan edit the original fee when posting a transaction.
NACHA Reports and ExportsCan run NACHA report, NACHA Export file, and run the Payoff function. You must have e-commerce enabled to see NACHA Option under Transactions.
Default Payment to Family BalanceWill default payment amount on Payment screen to the Family balance.
Edit Payment Transaction DateHas ability to edit transaction date on payments (excludes e-Payments done within JR - these cannot be changed).
Find Unapplied Credits, Mass Edit TransactionsCan mass apply credits; can update several transactions.
Omit Family from TransactionsThe user can omit a Family from one or more transactions (Billing Info).


User Permission
Store MenuAccess to the Store Menu.
Add/Edit ItemsAbility to add and edit Items.
Edit Item Price/End Price in Make a SaleEdit Item Price and End Price amount in Make a Sale.
View Store ReportsAbility to view Store Reports.
Add/Edit Store AccountsAbility to add and edit Store Accounts.
Add/Edit Store VendorsAbility to add and edit Vendors.
View Item Cost in List ItemsAbility to view the Item Cost in List Items.


User Permission
Terminal ePayment Exception ReportCan view the Terminal ePayment Exception report.
Contact Listing Can view the Contact Listing Report.
Email Listing and Family ReportsCan view Email Listing, Family Address Listing, Family Listing Reports, and Family Mailing Labels.
Transaction Reports and Payment Method SummaryCan view Payment Method Summary, Transaction Listing, and Transaction Summary.
Transaction SearchCan view Transaction Search and Recent Transactions.
Transaction Sub-type ListingCan view Transaction Sub-type Listing.
Event EnrollmentPrint Event details and enrollment for birthday parties, parents' night out, etc.
Family e-Payment ListingFamily ePayment Listing - Lists all the families set up to have their bill paid by credit card or bank account.
Family ePayment Listing: Un-Mask Bank Routing /Acct #Ability to see the bank routing and account numbers. Requires Family e-Payment listing permission.
Deposit SlipDeposit Slip Report.
Enroll HistoryCan view the Enroll History.
Drop HistoryCan view the Drop History.
Absence/Make-Up ReportCan view all the absences and makeups.
Aged Accounts SummaryCan generate the Aged Accounts Summary.
Aged Accounts DetailsCan view the Aged Accounts Details.
Family Balance SummaryCan generate the Family Balance Summary.
Online RegistrationsCan search/view Online Registrations report.
Process RegistrationsCan view the Process Registrations Reports.
Enroll Snapshot 1Enroll Snapshot 1 - Search.
Enroll Snapshot 2Enroll Snapshot 2 - PDF.
Enrollment Detail and Who's Scheduled to Be HereCan view the Who's Scheduled to Be Here report and the Enrollment Detail report (with many search and display options).
Parent Portal LogFor Portal Users, can view recent portal activity.
Family Statements (Print)Can print Family Statements (Statements - Email has separate permission).
Student Detail ReportCan run the Student Detail Report.
Revenue Reconciliation ReportsCan view the Revenue Reconciliation Reports.
Student Sizes ReportList of student sizes and measurements.
Zip Code SummaryDisplay enrollment totals by zip code.
Fee Summary ReportsCan view the Paid Fees report and the Fee Summary report.
Revenue SummaryAbility to view Revenue Summary report.
Revenue SnapshotCan view Revenue Snapshot (formerly QuickBooks Report).
Instructor Schedule - View Student PhoneThe ability to view student phone numbers on the instructor schedule report.
Email StatementsAbility to generate HTML statements to be emailed to customers.
Instructor Scheduled Time Report, Instructor SchedulesHas access to Instructor Scheduled Time Report and Instructor Schedules.
Student Information SheetCan view Student Information Sheets.
Student LabelsCan generate Student Labels.
Telephone ListingAbility to view Telephone Listing and Enrollment Trending reports.
Email Bounce ReportCan view Email Bounce Report for family/account, students, staff, and user IDs.
Source ReportSummary counts by source (how they heard about you) of families, students, and enrollments.
Emails - ScheduledHas access to Scheduled Emails.
Sent EmailsCan view the Sent Emails report.
Tuition Not Posted ReportCan view the Tuition Not Posted report.
Notes GridUser can view all Notes.
Staff AvailabilityCan view the Staff Availability report.


User Permission
Edit Drop-down List and Statements/Ecomm ReceiptsEdit the system drop-down lists (such as Category 1, Transaction Types, Payment Method, etc.) and settings for Statements and ecommerce receipts.
Edit Student Skills ListsEdit Skills and Sub-Skills Lists.
Manage Users & PermissionsCan see the list of users for the Organization and search User Activity. Permissions to Add User, Edit User Permissions, Edit User Locations & User Categories, and Delete User are separate.
Edit Tuition DefaultsEdit Tuition Settings, Tuition Defaults, and Class Tuition Settings (except for Tuition Fee).
Add UserAbility to Add a User.
Delete UserAbility to Delete a User.
Edit User PermissionsEdit User Security - Permissions, restrict a user's access to system functions, screens, tabs, and fields.
Edit User Locations & User CategoriesUser can edit another user's Locations and/or Category 1 access and restrict what the User has access to.
Add/Edit LocationAbility to add and edit a Location for your Organization.
Edit Email TemplatesHas ability to manage (add, update, delete, copy) email templates.
Search Criteria FavoritesCan Create/Edit/Delete Favorites (search criteria and settings favorites).
Setup GuideAllows access to Setup Guide where user can edit system settings, add family data and process payments.
Edit Settings, Logo, AnnouncementsEdit Organization settings (such as address, email, tax rate), logo, and announcements.
Edit Online Registration and Parent Portal SettingsAbility to edit Online Registration text and settings and Parent Portal settings.
Import DataAbility to Import Data via the Excel file upload/import.
Delete Imported DataCan Delete Imported Data on a specified date.
QuickBooks ExportExport Category 1 totals for a date range to QuickBooks GL.
Assign TasksAbility to Assign tasks to Others (see dashboard).
Drop Unpaid FamiliesDrop families within a Session or Category that have not paid their tuition.
Costume/Apparel ModuleAbility to edit and view costumes/apparel.
View My AccountView details of this Jackrabbit account.
Text Messages SettingsCan view and edit text message settings.
ePayment SettingsCan access the ePayments Wizard or ePayments Settings.
Sent Text MessagesCan send text messages to contacts, students and staff (also see permission "Email Families").
Closed DatesCan add and edit Closed Dates.
Upload a FileAbility to upload new files to Jackrabbit Files.
Delete a FileAbility to delete files from Jackrabbit Files.
Manage PoliciesCan manage policies and assign policy groups to classes.
View/Assign PoliciesUser is limited to viewing policies & policy groups; assigning/removing policy groups to classes.
Self Check-in SettingsCan view and manage Self Check-in Settings.
Zapier APICan view and manage the Zapier API key.


User Permission
Manage Spot TVPermission to create Spot TV Groups and assign Groups to Jackrabbit Classes.
View Yardstik ReportsPermission to view Yardstik background reports.

Staff Portal

User Permission
Guided Staff Portal Setup, Edit All Portal Logins and Edit All Staff SettingsAllow access to the Guided Staff Portal Setup, Edit All Portal Logins, and Edit All Staff Settings.
Staff Portal SettingsAbility to edit staff portal settings.
Approve/Unapprove TimeAccess to Approve/Unapprove Time.
Edit Actual Hours in Approve TimeAllows user to edit total time when approving time.
Close Pay Period and Export to PayrollAccess to Close Pay Period and Export to Payroll Report.
Edit Department and Staff NewsAllows access to the Edit Department and Staff News.
Launch Staff PortalAbility to launch the staff portal.
Manage Incomplete Time EntriesAbility to manage incomplete time entries.
Access to all time clock DepartmentsThe user can access time entries for all Departments in Approve/Unapprove Time.
Time Report and Staff Portal Login ID ReportAllows access to the Time Report, Staff Portal Login ID Report.
Staff Time Audit ReportAllows access to the Staff Time Audit Report.
Staff Here Now ReportAbility to view the list of staff clocked into the Staff Portal/Time Clock.


User PermissionDescription
Task ManagementEdit, Pause, or Delete an Automation Task.

On the User Permissions page, enter a search term or keyword in the Search field for a Category, User Permission, or Description to filter and locate a permission. For example, enter Students in the Search field under Category and all Students permissions will be displayed.
