Work with Reports - Table Style

Many reports in Jackrabbit return results that are formatted in a table style.

Use Search Fields to Locate Information in Reports

Many reports have column search fields. Type a word into the search field to quickly locate information.

Search Results

Sort Your Report Data Using Column Headers

Column headers are sortable. Click the column header to sort the report by the data in that column.

Button Options in Reports

At the top of many reports, there are several button options.

Click the Arrows to move back / forth through multiple pages. Click the drop-down arrow to increase the number of records displayed.

Show All

This button is available only if the report contains multiple pages of information. Click Show All to display all the information on one page.


Click Print to print the report to a printer. 

Note: The ability to print information is controlled by the Print Grid Information user permission located in the General category.


Click Export to export the report to either:

  •  Excel Spreadsheet (XLS) file 
  • Comma Separated Value (CSV) file
  • Portable Document File (PDF)

Note: The ability to export information is controlled by the Export Grid Information user permission located in the General category.


Refresh reloads the page display.

Show/Hide Columns

The Show/Hide Columns button is available on most table-style reports and allows you to display or hide columns of information within the report. 

Use this option to customize your report with the information that is important to your business.

The table format is gradually being updated to a new, more powerful, grid format. All new reports in Jackrabbit will be created using the grid format.
