Several criteria filters allow you to drill down to specific dates, absences in a particular class category, absences for a selected instructor's classes, and more.
Displays attendance details and enrollment information
Several criteria filters allow you to drill down to a specified date range, attendances with a note containing specific text, attendance for a particular class, and more.
View important attendance metrics including # absences, # attended, % attended, and more.
Optionally display attendance details such as late, left early, or observing.
Several criteria filters allow you to drill down to a specific date range, a particular class, a specific instructor, and more.
A powerful Attendance filter allows you to drill down to students with a specified # of absences or % attended, or students with greater than x # of absences, etc.
Several alerts display on the Executive Dashboard bringing attention to students with poor attendance and classes that have incomplete Staff Portal Attendance.
Interactive data visuals on the All Students page give at-a-glance information on students with absences in the last 14 days and students with makeups owed including links to the top 5 student records for each.
When tracking absences, the Absence tab in the Student record displays the absence date, the class name with a link to the record, makeup eligibility, and makeup scheduling options.
When tracking attendance, the Attendance tab in the Student record displays the date last attended, the class name with a link to the record, and the # of attendance records with a link to view the Attendance History for the student.
When tracking absences, the Absences tab in the Class record displays the date of the last absence for each student, the student name with a link to their record, the student's age, and the # of absence records with a link to view the Absence History for the student (including makeup information).
When tracking attendance, the Attendance tab in the Class record displays the date last attended for each student, the student name with a link to their record, the student's age, and the # of attendance records with a link to view the Attendance History for the student.
In the Staff Portal
The Staff Portal puts important attendance information at your Staff's fingertips, right when they need it!
Missed Last Class! badge
Alerts the instructor to a student who missed the last class and will need to catch up.
Attendance history
A link allows the instructor to quickly access a student's complete attendance history for the class; they can filter to view only absences or attendance (present).
In the Parent Portal
Keep your families informed with the attendance information available in the Parent Portal (controlled with your Parent Portal Settings).
There are several areas within the Parent Portal where parents can view absence/attendance data.
Student card
The student card, on the Account page in the Parent Portal, displays the total absences for the student with a link to open the Absences (or Attendance) tab.
Absences (or Attendance) tab
Within the student record in the Parent Portal, the Absences (or Attendance) tab displays a history of the student's absences (attendance) with an option to print.
If you allow parents to schedule absences in their portals, a button displays that opens the scheduling modal.
If you track absences and allow parents to schedule makeups in their portals, a button displays that opens the scheduling modal.
Attendance Issues tab
This tab gives a history of any attendance issues for the student (Late, Left Early, Observing).
Absences & Makeups page
When you allow parents to schedule absences in their portals, the Absences & Makeups page displays a summary of absences for all students in the family with a link that displays any schedule impacts, and a button that opens the scheduling modal.