Filter (Group) Your Online Class Listing Tables

Filtering your Online Class Listing Tables to show only a specific group or sub-group of classes is the recommended first step when you are customizing your tables.

Starting with the basic Online Class Listing Table,  filtering allows you to break the table up into several smaller tables that are organized together by a common Category code, Session, Location, etc. For example, create one table for Ballet classes and a separate table for HipHop classes.

To filter Online Class Listing Tables, parameters are added to the basic JavaScript code and URL (link). Well, that certainly sounds very techie 🤓, doesn't it?  It sounds worse than it is, we promise! 

Let's step through it here and look at some examples with the code and links. If you prefer a quicker study, check out the Speed Learning section in A Cheat Sheet for Customizing Your Online Class Listing Tables.

For a more thorough explanation of how parameters work (with a piece of cake🍰), check out Understanding How to Customize Your Online Class Listing Tables.

Parameters Available for Filtering 

Parameters are used to sift through all classes to find a specific group of classes. A parameter includes a variable and a value separated by the equals sign (=), e.g., Session=Winter2024. Multiple parameters are separated by an ampersand symbol '&'.


Filter Online Class Listing Tables for Organization ID XXXXXX to create one table for all Ballet (Cat1) classes at the Main Location (Loc).
  • Basic Online Class Listing Table code&Variable=Value

There are several variables available for filtering.  The values to pair with the variables are the actual values found in your Jackrabbit system. The spelling and spacing of the values you use must be exactly as they are found in Jackrabbit.

Fun Fact 🤔some browsers will automatically add the characters %20 to the code/link wherever there is a space. Don't panic! Special characters in URLs are typically expressed using the percent sign and a number. For spaces, this is %20.
VariableValues (where to find in Jackrabbit)


Gear (icon) > Settings > General > Drop-down Lists (left menu) > Class Management, Enrollment & Revenue Reporting (section) > Category 1 drop-down values

Cat2 and Cat3

Gear (icon) > Settings > General > Drop-down Lists (left menu) > Class (section) > Category 2 and Category 3 drop-down values


Fixed values: Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun


Gear (icon) > Settings > General > Drop-down Lists (left menu) > Student (section) > Gender drop-down values


Staff (menu) > Active Staff > Individual Staff record > Id: XXXXXX (auto-generated number bottom left of each page in the Staff record)


Gear (icon) > Settings > General > Business Locations (left menu) > Location Code


Gear (icon) > Settings > General > Drop-down Lists (left menu) > Class (section) > Room drop-down values


Gear (icon) > Settings > General > Drop-down Lists (left menu) > Class (section) > Session drop-down values


  • With the exception of the Category 1, 2, and 3 variables, only one value can be added to each parameter. Multiple Category 1, 2, & 3 values can be used with a vertical line (|) separating them. 
  • Use multiple parameters by separating them with an '&'.
  •  Each variable can only be used once for each table code, but you can use a combination of different variables in each table.


  • You can ✅filter to create one table for only Ballet (Cat1) classes on Mon (ClassDays).
      • Basic Online Class Listing Table code&Variable=Value&Variable=Value

  • You can ✅ filter to create one table for Ballet (Cat1) and HipHop (Cat1) classes for Fall2023 (Session).
      • Basic Online Class Listing Table code&Variable=Value|Value&Variable=Value

  • You cannot ❌filter for all Ballet (Cat1) and HipHop (Cat1) classes at two different Locations (Loc), Main & North, because the only variables that can have multiple values are Cat1, Cat2, and Cat3.

Check out this cool tip! To see the changes you are making to your Online Class Listing Tables as you make them, open a browser window and enter the URL (link) for your basic table. This is your starting point. Add your desired parameters, and refresh the page to see the updated Class Listings. Check out the video in this article to see this in action!

Example - Filter by Class Category

This is a very powerful filter! You can group your classes by Category 1,  Category 2, or Category3 or any combination of them. These parameters have superpowers 🪄; they can have more than one value! To group multiple Category 1, 2, & 3 values, separate them with a vertical line (|) in the code/link ✨.

The Academy of Movement (Organization XXXXXX) wants to group its Beginner (Cat2) Jazz and Tap (Cat1) classes together on its website and in social media posts.

JavaScript code:

<script type="text/javascript" src="|Tap"></script>

Direct URL (link):|Tap

The resulting table will only show classes that have a Category 1 value of Jazz or Tap (as designated on the Summary tab of the Class record)  AND a Category 2 value of Beginner (Summary tab > Class record).

The Category target values must match a Category drop-down list values in your Jackrabbit system exactly. If your Category names have lots of spaces or special characters, the code/link may break. See our Help article Tricks for Query Strings for possible fixes.

Example - Filter by Class Days

You can filter Online Class Listing Tables for particular days of the week. The valid targets are the three letter abbreviations for the days of the week spelled this way only: Mon  Tue  Wed  Thu  Fri  Sat  or Sun.

Classes That Meet Once a Week

The Academy of Movement (Organization ID XXXXXX) wants to create a table that only contains classes that meet on Mondays to add to its website and post on social media.

JavaScript code:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Direct URL (link):

The resulting table will only show classes with Mon selected as the only day of the week on the Summary tab of their Class record.

Classes That Meet Multiple Days a Week

If you have classes that meet multiple days per week, list the three-letter abbreviations for the days separated by a comma. 

The Academy of Movement (Organization ID XXXXXX) wants to create a table that only contains classes that meet twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays.

JavaScript code:

<script type="text/javascript" src=",Wed"></script>

Direct URL (link):,Wed

The resulting table will only show classes with both Mon and Wed selected as the two days of the week class meets on the Summary tab of their Class record. Classes with only Mon selected and classes with only Wed selected will not be included in the table; to be included, the class must have both days selected.

Example - Filter by Gender

If you have not hidden gender in Jackrabbit, you can filter an Online Class Listing Table for a particular gender. The valid values for the Gender variable are Female, Male, and All, plus any custom drop-down list values you've added in the Gender section. 

The Academy of Movement (Organization XXXXXX) wants to create an Online Class Listing Table of classes for girls to add to its website and post on social media.

JavaScript code:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Direct URL (link):

The resulting table will only include those classes with Female selected for Gender on the Summary tab of their Class record. You can only specify one gender per table, and it must match a Gender drop-down list value in your Jackrabbit system exactly, including spacing.

Example - Filter by Instructor

The Academy of Movement (Organization XXXXXX) has several instructors and wants to create an Online Class Listing Table for only classes taught by Livy Wallace (ID 580421 ) to add to its website and post on social media.

JavaScript code:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Direct URL (link):

The resulting table will only show classes for Livy Wallace, whose ID is 580421. You can only specify one Instructor ID (value) per table. The Instructor ID is an auto-generated number (typically six digits) that is located on the bottom left of all pages in the Staff record. Do not use the Staff ID located on the Summary tab of the Staff record.

Example - Filter by Location

The Academy of Movement (Organization XXXXXX) has two Locations (Main and North) and wants to create two separate Online Class Listing Tables to add to its website and post on social media.

JavaScript code:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Direct URL (link):

Create the first table with only the classes at the Main Location (as designated on the Summary tab of the Class record). You can only specify one Location code (parameter value) in each Online Class Listing Table, and it must match a Location code in your Jackrabbit system exactly. Create the second table by changing the parameter value to North.

Example - Filter by Room

The Academy of Movement (Organization XXXXXX) has two rooms (Astaire and Retton) and wants to create two separate Online Class Listing Tables to add to its website and post on social media.

JavaScript code:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Direct URL (link):

The resulting table will only show classes held in the Astaire room (as designated on the Summary tab of the Class record). You can only specify one Room (value) per table, and it must match a Room drop-down list value in your Jackrabbit system exactly, including spacing.

Example - Filter by Session

The Academy of Movement (Organization XXXXXX) has two active Sessions (Fall2023 and Winter2024) and wants to create two separate Online Class Listing Tables to add to its website and post on social media.

JavaScript code:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Direct URL (link):

Create the first table with only the classes in the Fall2023 Session (as designated on the Summary tab of the Class record). You can only specify one Session (parameter value) per table, and it must match a Session drop-down list value in your Jackrabbit system exactly, including spacing. Create the second table by changing the parameter value to Winter2024.

Example - Use Multiple Filters at Once

Let's put several of these parameters together to create an Online Class Listing Table that uses multiple filters to group a very specific subset of classes. The order you add the parameters to the basic code or link does not matter.

The Academy of Movement (Organization XXXXXX) wants to create an Online Class Listing Table that groups classes taught at the Main Location in the Astaire room. 

JavaScript code:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Direct URL (link):

The resulting table will only show classes that have the Location set as Main AND the Room set as Astaire on the Summary tab of the Class record. You can only specify one Location per table, and it must match a Location code in your Jackrabbit system exactly, including spacing. You can only specify one Room per table, and it must match a Room drop-down list value exactly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.  How do I make tables by age group?

A.  The HTML code can not read the min/max ages on the class page; therefore, to make tables by Age groups, set up Cat3 as your various age groups and then filter by Cat3. For example, create Cat3s such as Infant, Toddler, PreSchool, Elem, Middle, High, etc based on ages, and assign each class the correct Cat3. Then filter for Cat3=Toddler to create a table showing only those classes.

Q.  I don't know what's wrong. My Session for Summer 2023 is not working with the code I used. What can I do?

A.  If the name of your Session includes a space, e.g. Summer 2023, most web editors will automatically add the code for the space on the back end. However, if you have a problem, you can manually add the HTML code for a space which is %20. 

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