The Movement Center - uses Category 1 to create separate tables. Website design by Modevfy.
- Their portal login is in the header, accessible from every page.
- Under "Classes", choose a type of program. You are taken to that program's page with a class listings table filtered by Cat 1 codes.
- They use Wait Lists for full classes.
Arlington Dance Place - uses their Category codes to group classes on different webpages, then further group them by type of dance.
- The Parent Portal login is found on the top right side of the webpage.
- Go to Classes Offered and select a program, for example, "Young Dancers".
- On this page, you'll see they have grouped the Young Dancers classes further by type. They have provided descriptive text above each table explaining that type.
Miller Street Dance Academy - has two separate locations, and organizes their dance classes by DAY of the week.
- From their home page, choose "Registration" under either the Providence Road Location or Baxter Village Location in the main navigation.
- The Registration page contains information on how to enroll for newcomers and returning customers, including our free Parent Portal video.
- The Class Listing table for each location is further down on that page, and their website administrator has created "tabs" for each Day of the week.
- On each "Day" tab, the Class Listing table is sorted by Start Time.
- They close online registration/enrollment toward the end of each Session, so occasionally there are no class listings tables shown.
Swim facilities face unique challenges in presenting online registration. Traditionally, most swim schools want to limit the parents' ability to choose and enroll in a specific level without the staff first evaluating the child. Also, classes are usually 1-4 students and many times the level of the class isn't defined until the first child is enrolled. Jackrabbit Swim offers several options to meet these needs!
Little Flippers Swim has two locations and groups classes into tables using Category 1, Category 2, and Session.
- Parent Portal login button is located at the top center of the home page. New customers can also create an account by clicking the button beside it.
- From the navigation menu, under either the Natick or Winchester location, choose a session and then the appropriate level/age. Click any bar to "open" the class listing table displaying those classes.
Stony Creek Swim Center has multiple locations and uses Category 1 to create grouped tables.
- Parent Portal is located on their green navigation bar.
- Access classes by using the blue "Register Online" box or by making selections under "Swimming Lessons" in the white navigation bar.
- Each level of classes has a separate page with a description of each and a class listings table underneath.
The Swim Lesson People website was designed by one of our recommended developers, Grant Kantosis at
- Parent Portal "Login" is found in the top navigation bar.
- From the "Swim Lessons” tab, select a program, then answer a question about the child's current ability.
- Once you choose a skill, you are shown a Class Listing Table with days, times, remaining openings, and tuition.
Water Sprites Swim School uses the class listings tables grouped by Category 2.
- Parent Portal is a large blue button on the home page.
- Also on the home page is a large blue "Register Now" button, which allows new families to create an account online.
- Click the large orange "Class Schedule" button, and you're taken to their Class Schedule page which shows multiple tables grouped by Category 2.
Drama Kids - is a large multi-state, multi-region franchise offering hundreds of classes.
- From the home page, click 'Find Locations', then search for a location by state or zip code. Once on the State, click the 'Visit the Local Website!' link under your choice.
- Select one of the color buttons to see the related class listings tables.
- The Parent Portal button for each Location is also easy to find in the upper right side.
Musical Arts Academy of Music and Dance - organizes by discipline.
- Choose the Theater tab - they provide instructions followed by the Jackrabbit class listing table of Theater classes.
- Parent Portal is found in the left side navigation near the bottom, called "Account Login".
Futura Adventures - is a large multi-state, multi-region franchise offering hundreds of classes.
- Hover over Register and then select, for example, Wisconsin. The Wisconsin page then displays workbooks and classes.
- Within a Region they further organize the classes by Location alphabetically, making it easy to find the closest classes.
Music studios often offer private lessons with a maximum enrollment of one student per class. Jackrabbit's class listings can accommodate that requirement.
B's Music Shop - scatters their class listings among many pages, which also feature the instructor's bio.
- From the Home page, Choose Lessons. Then pick an Instrument (or pick "All," the last one), and you can see the Instructor's Class availability and a short video introducing each Instructor. Once a time slot is filled, it no longer appears in the class listing.
KidsU - is a large multi-state, multi-region, multi-sport business.
- Select a Location from the Classes or Camps menu in the main navigation.
- Their website administrator has re-styled the tables and they are presented by program in a clean, organized layout.
- Select Birthday Parties in the main navigation, select a Location, and the page will provide party information. Choose "View Available Parties and book online" to reach their Events calendar, filtered for that specific location only.
Kids Are Tops - is a multi-sport facility.
- Parent Portal is in the footer of every page, called "Client Login Area".
- Select Tumble Bunnies banner (or Gymnastics, etc) across the top. Scroll down for the class listing table.
- Classes are grouped by program using their Cat1 and Cat2 codes.
- Their website administrator has added text boxes to the left of each table, and color coded the tables for distinction among programs.
Salem Gymnastics & Swim - is a multi-sport facility offering gymnastics, swim, cheer, and martial arts.
- Hover over "Account" in the header and you'll see they have a page explaining how to Register, and also a page to Login to the Parent Portal.
- Classes are grouped by program using their Cat1, Cat1, and Cat3 codes. For example, under "Classes" select Gymnastics > Gymnastics 1-5 years which takes you to a page that explains this program and contains several class listings tables that are grouped by Session as well as level. The tables are "hidden" under clickable tabs based on the SESSION. Click a tab and the table appears.
Stouffville Academy - offers Dance, Music, Drama, and Summer Camps.
- The Portal is highly visible and accessible in the top middle of every page.
- Choose your discipline from the Schedule dropdown or from the icons on the home page.
- Each discipline (Cat1) has its own webpage complete with class listings tables organized by specific program level (Cat2).
- Also, by going to Registration > Online Registration, they have provided instructions for using the Registration form, along with billing information.
Champion Zone Afterschool - provides afterschool care and camps.
- The Parent Portal is displayed in a box on the home page.
- From Enrollment, select a Location. Each Location's page is a list of the available classes at the Location, with links to a Parent Handbook and to Register displayed in boxes.
Playhouse Preschool - is a full-service child care facility.
- The Parent Portal and New Registration are both located on the home page.
- Click the "Registration" link, and you will be taken to their Class Listings table, where the classes are sorted first by Program (age), then by Day.
The HTML/Javascript codes provided by Jackrabbit stream real-time class information from your database into a class listing table with a predefined layout, as shown in the examples below. Advanced programming skills are not required.
However, if you want to present your classes in a totally different format, a skilled website administrator can request our live class feed in JSON and then use JSON programming to output the tables in any fashion you desire. Download and view the JSON document here.
JSON support is not available through Jackrabbit.
Below are some examples of extremely customized integration that can be accomplished by hiring a skilled website administrator.
Bear Paddle Swim - had a web developer write highly customized code for integration.
- Under the "Register" menu, select your interest. You are asked multiple questions to narrow down classes based on Location, Age, Level, Day, and Time.
- Once on the correct age/level page, the schedule is shown on a weekly layout. Click on the TIME you'd like, and a Register Now button is given, which takes you to the Registration form.
- Parent Portal is in the upper right corner.
British Swim Schools - has multiple locations in multiple states. They wanted to display the class choices in an extremely customized layout. A web developer wrote their custom integration.
- Click on the "Find a Pool" button in the header or enter a zip code or city (such as North Miami) and choose a location from the options provided or click on the "Please use my location" link.
- Once in the correct Location, click "View Pool" and then "Book a Class."
- Click "Select Your Class" to see a drop-down list of the classes to select from.
- Student Portal button (Parent login) is in the top right corner.
Premier Aquatic Services - is a multi-location swim program. They wanted to display the class choices in an extremely customized layout. A web developer wrote their custom integration.
- Go to the blue Register for Classes button on the right.
- Select Aquatic Classes, and then you will be prompted to choose a Location and Program. After choosing Swim Programs, you will be asked to choose Age Group, then the class type. Choose the LTS Perpetual as an example.
- On the LTS Perpetual, the appropriate classes for that level are shown in a weekly layout with icons for each class. Click on the Day/Time you'd like, and a Register button is given, which takes you to the Registration form.
- Parent Portal button is in the top menu bar.