User Permissions for Posting Tuition Fees

There are multiple ways to Post Tuition Fees in Jackrabbit, and each one may have different user permissions.

User Permissions play a crucial role in protecting your data by controlling who can access, modify, or perform specific actions in your system.  Review Protect Your Account - User Permission Guidelines for more information.

To adjust a User's permissions, go to the Gear icon > Settings > Users & Permissions > User IDs (click on a UserID) > User Permissions (left menu) to set the permissions. Note: If a User is logged in when changes are made to their permissions, they'll have to log out and back in for the changes to take effect.

Post Tuition Fees During Enrollment in Jackrabbit

Enrollment from the Families Menu

CategoryUser PermissionEnables access to
FamiliesView Family PageView and edit the details of a family.
List FamiliesAll Families from the Families menu.
Add Family/AccountAdd a family.
Quick Family Student EnrollFamilies menu Quick Registration, and the Use Quick Registration Form via the Add New Familyicon.

Enrollment from the Students Menu

CategoryUser PermissionEnables access to
StudentsList StudentsAll Students from the Students menu.
View Student PageView and edit the details of a student record.
Enroll StudentsEnroll Student button.

Enrollment from the Classes Menu

CategoryUser PermissionEnables access to
ClassesClass Lists, Schedules, Calendars
All Classes from the Classes menu.
View ClassesView and edit the details of a class.
StudentsEnroll StudentThe Enroll Student button.

Post Tuition Fees During Online Registration

CategoryUser PermissionEnables access to
ToolsEdit Online Web Registration and Parent Portal SettingsControl Online Registration settings.

Post Tuition Fees with Parent Portal Enrollments

CategoryUser PermissionEnables access to
ToolsEdit Online Web Registration and Parent Portal SettingsControl Parent Portal settings.

Post Tuition Fees to Multiple Families at Once

Tuition Posted from the Transactions Menu > Post Tuition Fees

CategoryUser PermissionEnables access to
TransactionsPost Tuition FeesThe Transactions menu > Post Tuition Fees.

Post Tuition Fees Using Make Sale/Post Fees in a Family Record

CategoryUser PermissionEnables access to
FamiliesView Family PageView and edit the details of a family.
List FamiliesAll Families from the Families menu.
Post FeesThe Row menu icon > Post Fees to enter fees and the Make Sale/Post Fees button in a family's record.

See Permissions for Jackrabbit Users for more information.
