Change Student Grade Levels

The Grade Level field on the Summary tab of the Student record can be increased or decreased by one grade level for all students at once. Any Jackrabbit User with the Student permission Clear Answers in Student User-defined Fields and Update Student Grades can update grade levels. 

If you opted to use Custom Grade Levels in your Organization Default Settings - Student Settings, you won't have the option to update the grade levels in mass. The Update Grade Levels option is only visible in the Students menu when the Custom Grade Level setting is set to No (Gear icon > Settings > General > Organization Defaults > Student Settings).

  1. Go to the Students menu > Update Grade Levels.
  2. Select your Action - Increase Grade Levels by One or Decrease Grade Levels by One. 
  3. Select a date For Students Created Before. Students who were added after this date will be ignored because their grade level is assumed to be correct for the coming year.
  4. Click Submit.

Mass Clear Student Grade Levels

Jackrabbit Support can help you clear all student grade level information on the Summary tab in each Student record. Contact Jackrabbit Support via the Jackrabbit Help iconin your system to request that all student grade levels be cleared.
