Time Zone & Date Settings

In the Organization Default Settings, there are several settings for Time Zone and Dates.

  1. Go to the Gear icon > Settings > General > Organization Defaults (left menu) > Time & Date Settings.
  2. Select the Date Format for your organization. Jackrabbit uses the US standard date format of mm/dd/yyyy throughout the system, and it is not possible at this time to use another format inside the system. You can, however, choose dd/mm/yyyy for external (customer) views such as on the Online Registration form: student birth date or on customer statements.
  3. Verify your Time Zone to ensure that all financial transactions and enrollment records use your area's correct date and time.

    Note: Jackrabbit defaults to Eastern Time - US/Canada if this setting is not changed.

  4. Verify the dates if you observe daylight savings time and update if needed.
  5. Save Changes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.  We use the UK date format of dd/mm for our data. If I decide to import my data, will that be a problem?

A.  Jackrabbit uses the US format of mm/dd. We should be able to convert the dates into US format for you. Realize that inside your system, all dates will be presented in US format of mm/dd/yyyy. If we have trouble converting your dates we will let you know. 
