Future Drop Dates

Jackrabbit gives you two options for creating a future drop date for a student in a Class record:

  • Use the Future Drop column - Click the field in the Future Drop column and enter a future drop date. Save the changes. This can be edited and removed at any time. No notification is sent to the instructor for the Future Drop entered in this field.
  • Use the Drop link - Click on the Drop link next to the Balance column. This opens a window to drop the student from the class. Select a future drop date and enter additional information. Toggle the Email primary instructor? setting to Yes if you want the instructor to receive an email regarding the future drop.

The student remains enrolled in the class until the chosen date. On that date, Jackrabbit will automatically drop the student from the class; the student is not considered to be in class on the drop date (i.e. the drop date is exclusive).

Future Drop dates can be edited or removed from the Class Enroll List tab only. Delete the date or change the date as needed. Be sure to Save Changes
