What is a Jackrabbit User ID?

A Jackrabbit User ID and password are the keys to your system; these credentials give a User the ability to log into your system. Each enrollment, drop, and transaction entered by a User will have their User ID associated with it.

  • A Jackrabbit system can maintain as many User IDs as needed. There is no limit to the number of Users that can be logged into the system at the same time (unlimited concurrent Users).
  • Users can be limited as to what they can see and what they can do in Jackrabbit using User Permissions.
    Example: You want your managers to have access to revenue reports, but would like to restrict those areas for all other Jackrabbit Users. This is done by removing the permissions relating to financial reports from all Users except management.

User IDs are managed under the Gear icon > Settings > Users & Permissions > User IDS (left menu).

A Jackrabbit User ID must be unique throughout Jackrabbit's entire application.


  • You have an employee named Dianne Smith who would like her User ID to be "dsmith". 
  • When you are adding her User ID to your system you receive an error message User ID not available
  • You do not have any User ID "dsmith" in your system.

Why is this User ID not available?

A studio down the street, which also uses Jackrabbit, has an employee named Deirdre Smith and her User ID is "dsmith". Deirdre has already taken the User ID "dsmith" and there can only be one in the 'Jackrabbit World'.
