Resources in Jackrabbit - Family, Student, Class, and Staff

Permissions control the ability of your Users to see certain data and take specific actions. Before moving forward review User Permissions for Jackrabbit Resources.

With Jackrabbit's Resources feature you can upload files and add links to the Family, Student, Class, and Staff records where they are stored on the Resources tab.

  • No more files full of paper...scan documents, then upload and store them in the record they relate to.
  • Resources added to a Class record can be shared with both parents (Parent Portal) and staff (Staff Portal).
  • Resources added to a Student record can be shared with parents in the Parent Portal.
  • Limit access to sensitive documents to only those Users with the required permissions.
  • Resources are retained when a family is placed in the Lead file and can be restored at a later date.

Review Jackrabbit's Terms of Use. Uploading a file confirms you have agreed and that you have consent to possess the resource you are uploading.

The Resources Tab

Each Family, Student, Class, and Staff record has a Resources tab where you can upload files and add links (URLs). For example, in the Class record, add a link to a Google Doc with instructions and video links for a virtual class that you have created.

  • The Resources tab in each record shows the number of resources that have been added, e.g., Resources (5).
  • Each of the records (Family, Student, Class, and Staff) can store up to 15MB of data. Usage is displayed in a progress bar and available space is counted down.
  • Sort the resources by date created or modified, or alphabetically by resource title or filename.
  • Each resource card displays a date-created timestamp, the User who added the resource, resource name, file name or URL, and the time/date and name of the User that last modified the resource.
  • A badge will display to indicate a restricted resource.  NoteThe card for a restricted resource will not display to Users who don't have the View Restricted Files User permission.
  • In the Class record, a resource that has been shared to the Parent Portal and/or Staff Portal will display a badge(s) to indicate it has been published.
  • In a Student record, a resource that has been shared to the Parent Portal will display a badge to indicate it has been published.
  • Each resource is managed (edited, viewed, or deleted) using the links in each individual resource card.

Add a Resource in a Family or Staff Record

Follow these steps to add a resource to a Family or Staff record.

  1. Locate and open the Family or Staff record.
  2. Use thebutton on the Resources tab to open the Add a resource pop-up window.
  3. Add a name for the resource. This name will appear in the resource card on the Resources tab.
  4. Select the Audience.
    • Is this a restricted resource? - defaults to off, toggle on if the resource should be restricted to specific users. Restrict access to the resource if it involves confidential or sensitive information. Only Jackrabbit Users with the View Restricted Files User permission will be able to see a restricted resource on the Resources tab.
  5. Select the Resource location:
    • I'll upload it - When you opt to upload the resource, you'll use the Select files... button to locate the file on your computer. Accepted file types include the following:
      .doc .pdf .jpg .txt .xls .jpeg .odt .rtf .html .epub .png
      .mp3 .mp4 .csv .eml .docx .xlsx .tex .wks .wps .wpd

    • I'll link to it -  When you opt to link to the resource, enter the URL in the Resource Link field, e.g., a link to a YouTube video or a file you have stored in DropBox, etc.
  6. Click ADD. The resource is added to the record.

Add a Resource in a Student Record

Follow these steps to add a student resource to an individual Student record. The added resource is located in the Resources tab in the student's details section.

  1. Locate and open the student's record using the Students (menu) > All Students.
  2. Click the Resources (tab).
  3. Click thebutton to open the Add a resource pop-up window.
  4. Add a name for the student resource. This name will appear in the resource card on the Resources tab.
  5. Select the Audience.
    • Is this a resource for parents? - If you want parents to see the student resource you are adding, click the Publish to Parent Portal? to toggle on.

      Student resources are displayed in the Parent Portal under the Resources tab in the student's details card.

      Click the View Resource link to open the resource.

    • Is this a restricted resource? - Leave this disabled. If the file is restricted, this will disable the option to view it in the Parent Portal.

  6. Select the Resource location:
    • I'll upload it - When you opt to upload the resource, you'll use the Select files... button to locate the file on your computer. Accepted file types include the following:


    • I'll link to it -  When you opt to link to the resource, enter the URL in the Resource Link field, e.g., a link to a YouTube video or a file you have stored in DropBox, etc.

  7. Click ADD. The resource is added to the student's record and will be viewable in the Parent Portal.

Add a Resource in a Class Record

Follow these steps to add a resource to a Class record.

  1. Locate and open the Class record.
  2. Use thebutton on the Resources tab to open the Add a resource pop-up window.
  3. Add a name for the resource. This name will appear in the resource card on the Resources tab. 
    • Class record resources published to the Parent Portal will appear as a View Resources link in the Class card.
    • Class record resources published to the Staff Portal will appear under Manage Classes > Actions > Resources.
  4. Select the Audience. If you want parents and staff to see the resource you are adding, click both to enable.
    Is this a resource for parents?

    Class resources for parents are displayed in the Parent Portal.

    Is this a resource for staff?

    Class resources for staff are displayed in the Staff Portal.

  5. Enable Is this a restricted resource? if the resource should be restricted to specific users. Restrict access to the resource if it involves confidential or sensitive information. When restricted, only Jackrabbit Users with the View Restricted Files User permission will be able to see the resource. Note: If the file is restricted,  the resource will not be viewable in the Parent Portal.
  6. Select the Resource location:
    • I'll upload it - When you opt to upload the resource, you'll use the Select files... button to locate the file on your computer. Accepted file types include the following:


    • I'll link to it -  When you opt to link to the resource, enter the URL in the Resource Link field, e.g., a link to a YouTube video or a file you have stored in DropBox, etc.

  7. Click ADD. The resource is added to the Class record.

Add a Resource to a Single Class in the Classes (menu) > All Classes

Follow these steps to add a resource to a Class record in the All Classes grid.

  1. Go to the Classes (menu) > All Classes.
  2. Locate the class :
    • using the column search.
    • using the global search at the top of the page.
  3. Select one of these options to add a resource to the class.

    Use the 
    Class Column

    1. Click the class name located in the Class column to open the Class record.
    2. Add the Resource directly in the Class record as described in the Add a Resource in a Class Record section above.
    Use the Class 
    Row Menu
    1. Click the class row menu.
    2. Select Add Resource from the row menu.

    3. Complete the Add a resource pop-up window information:
      • Name the class resource - This name will appear in the resource card on the Resources tab.
      • Select the Audience (parents and/or staff).
      • Is the resource restricted? Enable to restrict access to the resource if it involves confidential or sensitive information. Only Jackrabbit Users with the View Restricted Files User permission will be able to see a restricted resource on the Resources tab.
    4. Select the Resource location: 
      • I'll upload it - When you opt to upload the resource, you'll use the Select files... button to locate the file on your computer. Accepted file types include the following:
        .doc .pdf .jpg .txt .xls .jpeg .odt .rtf .html .epub .png
        .mp3 .mp4 .csv .eml .docx .xlsx .tex .wks .wps .wpd

      • I'll link to it -  When you opt to link to the resource, enter the URL in the Resource Link field, e.g., a link to a YouTube video or a file you have stored in DropBox, etc.
    5. Click ADD.  The class resource is added to the class and can be accessed under the Resources tab in the Class record.

Add a Resource to Multiple Classes in the Classes (menu) > All Classes

Follow these steps to add a resource to multiple classes in the All Classes grid.

  1. Go to the Classes (menu) > All Classes (use the filter to filter the classes if needed). 
  2. Choose one of these options to select the classes and add the resource:
    • Select all classes in the grid - leave the checkbox in the 1st column of the grid unchecked and all classes in the grid are selected.
    • Select specific classes in the grid - in the 1st column of the grid, select the checkboxes for the classes you want to work with.
  3. Click the More (icon)> Add Resource.

  4. Complete the Add a resource pop-up window information:
    • Name the class resource - This name will appear in the resource card on the Resources tab.
    • Select the Audience (parents and/or staff).
    • Is the resource restricted? toggle on to restrict access to the resource if it involves confidential or sensitive information. Only Jackrabbit Users with the View Restricted Files User permission will be able to see a restricted resource on the Resources tab.
  5. Select the Resource location: 
    • I'll upload it - When you opt to upload the resource, you'll use the Select files... button to locate the file on your computer. Accepted file types include the following:
      .doc .pdf .jpg .txt .xls .jpeg .odt .rtf .html .epub .png
      .mp3 .mp4 .csv .eml .docx .xlsx .tex .wks .wps .wpd

    • I'll link to it -  When you opt to link to the resource, enter the URL in the Resource Link field, e.g., a link to a YouTube video or a file you have stored in DropBox, etc.
  6. Click Add. The class resource is added to the selected classes and can be accessed under the Resources tab in the Class records.

Add a Class Resource in the Staff Portal

A staff member can add a class resource in the Staff Portal when they are granted access to do so. In a Staff Record > Portal Settings (tab), set Allow staff person to manage resources to Yes.

Add the resource with a link or upload a file for a class in the Staff Portal. The added resource can also be seen in the Class Record > Resources (tab). Note: Resources added in the Staff Portal can't be restricted.

Manage Resources (Edit, View, Delete)

Edit a Resource

From the resource card, click the Edit link to open the Edit resource modal. Here you can edit the resource name, change your audience settings, and either replace a current file (if the resource was an uploaded file) or change the resource location to a link and vice versa. The resource card will update the Modified timestamp and User information to reflect any changes made. Note: there can only be one or the other, it is not possible to have both a file uploaded AND a link in the same resource record. 

View a Resource

Use the View link in a resource card to access the resource. Depending on the resource type, it will either download to your computer or open in a new tab. If it is a resource on the Class record, and you have published it to the Parent Portal and/or the Staff Portal, it can be viewed in the same way, a download or a new tab in their browser.

Delete a Resource

To completely remove a resource from the record, use the Delete link in the resource card. You will be asked to confirm that you want to delete the resource.

Use the All Families or All Students pages with the Resources filter (in the Family or Student Details section) to locate families or students that either have or do not have resources on file.