Copy Multiple Classes at Once

Copy Class Session (from the Classes menu > Copy Classes) will assist you in setting up a new session by copying multiple classes from one session into another.

Copy Class Session is the second step in transitioning between sessions. Use it after you have created a drop-down value for the new session.

If any classes you want to copy have been archived, you must restore them before they are included in the Copy Class Session function. In addition, all Policy Groups are removed when classes are archived, so be sure to add Policy Groups after the new classes have been created.

Search Criteria

Use the Search Criteria to select the classes you want to copy into your new session. The Session criteria is a required field; all other criteria are optional.

  • To copy all active classes from the selected session, leave Status as Active (the default) and the optional fields blank. 
  • Drill down to groups of classes from the selected session to copy using the optional criteria. For example, use the Class Category drop-down menus to copy only the classes from a specific Category 1, Category 2, or Category 3. 
  • To copy specific classes, select them from the Classes drop-down menu. 

New Class Settings

In the New Class Settings section, specify the settings for the new classes you are creating and select which class information you want to copy into them. The fields New Session, New Class Start Date, and Copy Policy Groups are required to create the new classes. 

  • The New Class Start Date, New Class End Date, and New Class Registration Start Date fields are automatically populated with the dates associated with the session as defined in the Drop-down List Editor (Gear icon > Settings > General)However, they can be edited here if you choose. Changes made here will not affect the dates in the Drop-down List Editor.
  • If there is no end date for the classes you are copying, leave the New Class End Date blank.
  • Indicate whether you want to copy the original classes' Instructors, Skills, Costumes, Resources, and Virtual Class/Video into the new classes. These fields all default to No; change this to Yes for any details you want to copy.
  • Select whether you want to copy Policy Groups (required).
If the classes you are copying were archived and then restored, the previously assigned Policy Groups will not be retained and copied during this process, even if you select Yes in the Copy Policy Groups drop-down. After copying the classes, review and add Policy Groups to your new classes as needed.

Option: Copy Enrollment?

If students (or students within a program) typically stay together within a class from session to session, you can opt to copy the student enrollment into the new classes.

  • If you choose to copy enrollment, select an Enroll Type for the new class enrollment. The default setting is (Keep Existing Values), which preserves the Enroll Type associated with the enrollment in the original session.
  • Indicate whether you want to Copy Future Enrollments or Copy Wait Lists from the old classes into the new classes.
  • Select an Enroll Date for new class enrollment (will default to the current date). Note: When a future date is used, a warning will display to advise you that you cannot post tuition fees until that date because the students are not enrolled in the new classes until then.
Makeups and Future Drops scheduled in the old classes are not copied forward with enrollment.