The Payment Method Summary report organizes revenue by Payment Method for a specified date or date range and can be found under the Transactions (menu) > Transaction Reports.
- Analyze revenue by Payment Method for each Category 1.
- Reconcile payments received for the day.
- Review refunds processed on a certain day or during a specified time period.
Save a frequently used report for quick and easy access! Click the Heart iconnext to a report name to change the heart to red
and add the report to your Reports menu > My Reports.
Search Criteria
Use the Search Criteria to narrow down results to the payments you want to work with.
Display Settings
Before submitting for results, you can adjust the following settings:
- Show Refunds
- Show Category 1 Sub-totals
- Report Output Format
Report Results
The Payment Method Summary report is a summary version of the Deposit Slip. If you need more details for reconciliation, try using the Deposit Slip.