Archive Classes - An Overview

When a class is complete, and you've posted all tuition and fees, it needs to be archived. A class remains active until archived, even if the End Date passes. Archiving a class changes the class Status to Inactive and moves a student's enrollment from the Current Enrollment to the Past Enrollment section of the Student record.

Note: Students in archived classes do not appear as dropped in the Enrollment Detail report because they are not true drops.

  • Update class enrollment to Past Enrollment and automatically drop all students enrolled in the class at once.
  • Archive to organize your class list and show only active classes in your Class Listing Tables and Parent Portal.
  • Access statistical enrollment data for future use.

Ready to archive a class? You can archive a single class or a group of classes at once. Even if a class is archived, you can email the class without restoring it.

After you archive a class, you can restore it, and this will restore any waitlisted students.

If you use the Recital feature, archive the class after you complete all recital communications, including sending a DVD. Archiving a class removes Recital Participation designations and cannot be restored. We recommend you export an Enrollment Detail report to keep a record.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.  What happens to the transactions for a family when I archive a class?

A.  All transaction history remains the same. Archiving classes does not impact Student or Family information.

Q.  Can I post tuition to an archived class?

A.  Once a class is archived, tuition cannot be posted to a class through Transactions > Post Tuition Fees.

Q.  If I restore a class that had future enrollment when it was archived, will the future enrollment be restored as well?

A.  Yes. Restoring a class will also restore any future enrollment.

Q.  How can I find an archived class and the date it was archived?

A.  The List Archived Classes report is used to locate the archived classes. Select the class from the report results, and scroll down to the lower left to see the Last Updated Date, Date Created, Class ID, and the Date Archived.
