Attendance in the Staff Portal - An Overview

The Attendance feature in the Staff Portal (Manage Classes tab) allows your staff to manage their classes in a secure mobile-friendly environment on an iPad, iPhone, or another smart device. Note: Taking attendance for Events is not included in the Staff Portal.

With the Attendance feature your staff can: 

  • Take class attendance (mark students as either Present or Absent)
  • Track students who are late, left early, or are only observing the class 
  • View students' attendance history
  • Mark absences eligible for makeup (when tracking absences in Jackrabbit)
  • Schedule future absences
  • Enter roll notes for students that are saved to their Student record
  • See student photos and grade level
  • View important student information such as medical information (allergies), new or trial student status, birthdays, and more

The term Attendance in the Staff Portal refers to the act of taking attendance and it involves marking each enrolled student as being either present in class or being absent from class on a particular day. This is only applicable to Class Attendance, not Events.

Jackrabbit systems are set to track either absences (the default) or attendances and this affects how Staff Portal attendance appears in the Class record:

  • If your system is set to track absences, there will be an Absences tab in your Class records. When attendance is taken in the Staff Portal, only those students marked absent will display on this tab; the attendances are assumed as the difference between the class enrollment and the number of students absent.
    Example: Attendance is taken in the Staff Portal for a class with 5 students. 2 of them are marked absent and 3 are marked present. The Absences tab will display the 2 students who were marked absent and it can be surmised that there were 3 students present (5 - 2 = 3).

  • If your system is set to track attendance, there will be an Attendance tab in your Class records. When attendance is taken in the Staff Portal, only those students marked present will display on this tab; the absences are assumed as the difference between the class enrollment and the number of students present.
    Example: Attendance is taken in the Staff Portal for a class with 5 students, 2 of them are marked absent and 3 are marked present. The Attendance tab will display the 3 students who were marked present and it can be surmised that there were 2 students absent (5 - 3 = 2).

To take attendance and create an attendance record for an Event, we recommend you use the Event Sign In/Out Sheets.
