Track Expiring Credit Cards for Families

Keeping tabs on when family credit cards expire helps things run smoothly, with fewer payment problems and less hassle for your customers. 

Jackrabbit makes it easy for both you and your customers to know when a credit card has expired or will expire soon and needs updating.

Family Record

The Billing Info tab in the Family record displays a red alert icon when any of the credit cards on file have expired or will expire in the next 60 days. In the Credit Cards section, a red alert icon displays beside the card's expiration date and the date is highlighted in red.

All Families Page

The No ePay Methods segment of the ePayment Status data visual on the All Families page (Families menu) includes families with only expired cards or cards that expire within 60 days, along with families with no ePayment method saved. 

To drill down to just the families with expired credit cards and those without a card on file yet with an ePayment Method set to Credit Card, use the Has ePayment Method = Credit Card & Card is Expired /Missing? filter from the filter drawer.

Parent Portal

There are several areas in the Parent Portal that indicate expired or expiring cards.

On the Saved Payment Methods page in the Parent Portal, red badges indicate when a card has expired and when it will expire within 60 days, displaying a countdown.

On the Make a Payment page, credit cards that have expired or will expire within 60 days will display indicators with a countdown. If the card has already expired, the parent will not be able to select it.

Inactive families with an expired credit card will be prompted to add a payment method before they can enroll in classes when your Parent Portal ePayment Settings require parents to save a payment method before enrolling.
