Create a Future Enrollment

When Jackrabbit is set to Allow Future Enrollments, staff can change the enroll date to a date in the future when enrolling a student from within Jackrabbit. This feature is not active in your Jackrabbit system unless you make it available.

To change the setting:

  1. Go to the Gear (icon) > Settings > General > Organization Defaults (left menu).
  2. Scroll down to Class Settings (section).    
  3. Set Allow Future Enrollments to Yes.    
  4. Click Save Changes.    
  5. Log out of Jackrabbit and then log back in for the change to become active.

When enrolling students from within Jackrabbit, staff has the option to set the Enroll Date to a future date. 

Families cannot future enroll students through Online Registration or the Parent Portal. All future enrollments can only be done by a Jackrabbit User. Once a future enrollment has been created in Jackrabbit, the future enrollment date cannot be changed, you must delete the enrollment and re-enroll the student with the correct date.

Important Notes on Future Enrollments

  • The Executive Dashboard Alert for WaitList for Classes with Openings takes future enrollments into account. If your organization allows future enrollments, the report shows the number of future enrollments and the adjusted openings (the class's maximum size minus the number of students enrolled).  If the adjusted openings count is less than 1, it will appear in yellow.

  • During online registration, the number of future enrollments in the class will always be factored into the number of openings available to prevent a family from creating an overbooking.  To further reduce the chance of overbooking, it is possible to allow future enrollments to impact the openings in a class when using the Quick Registration form. From the Gear icon, select Settings > Online Registration > Settings (left menu) > Class Search Settings > What impacts the number of Class Openings? (section), and set Future Enrolls to Yes for Quick Registration

  • Future enrollments are enrolled and active in the class on the date of the future enrollment at 5 am Eastern time.
Future Enrollments are best used when the student cannot attend until after the class start date. The student isn't active in the class until the Future Enroll Date. If the student isn't active during the Tuition Billing Cycle, the student may be excluded when you Post Tuition Fees.