The Paid Fees report displays revenue by Category 1 with a breakdown by Transaction Type for a specific day or time period. This report can be viewed as a summary or in detail.
To get to this report, go to the Transactions menu > Transaction Reports > Paid Fees.
- Adjust payments that were received after the cut-off date for a revenue period, e.g., month-end or year-end.
- Locate uncategorized or improperly categorized payments.
- Report on taxes paid within a specified date range.
Use this report to determine the amount of tax collected during the year or for a specific period. Run the report, and the total tax collected for the timeframe selected will be displayed in the report. When partial fees are paid, the tax displayed will adjust for the amount paid.
Search Criteria
Use the Search Criteria to narrow results down to the payments you want to work with. Leaving a field blank is the same as saying "all".
Display Settings
Before submitting for results, you can adjust the following settings:
- Subheading (add an optional subheading to display at the top of your report)
- Show Refunds
- Show Charitable Donations
- Show Transaction Details (set to Yes to provide payment dates, fee dates, and family names. This is very helpful in locating uncategorized revenue).
- Report format (select the report format from PDF, Excel, HTML, Word, Text, Tiff)
Report Results
These results do not show Transaction Details. This report lists the fee summary by Category 1 for the date range selected in the Search Criteria above.
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