Tricks for Query Strings

Using query strings allows you to modify your website to deliver different visitor experiences. There are a few advanced tricks that can be achieved by adding the parameters below to the end of the query string. 

A query string is a set of characters tacked onto the end of a URL (with no spaces). The query string begins after the question mark (?) and can include one or more parameters. 

The query string below is shown in bold.

JavaScript Method
<script type="text/javascript" src=",Gender&showcols=Location"></script>
Direct Method,Gender&showcols=Location

Styles and Header Labels

Add the following parameters into your query string to achieve these various effects:

%20descuse after a sort target to make a reverse sort (sort in descending vs ascending order)
&hidereg=1hide the register column
&hdrstyle=color:bluechange the color of the header text to a specified color
&hdrstyle=display:nonehide the header row, in case you want to stack several tables
&style=font-family:Arialchange the font of the body text to a specific font (use only web-safe fonts)
&style=font-size:12pxchange the font size of the body text to a specific size (any whole number from 8 to 20)
&style=color:redchange the color of the body text to a specified color
&style=font-weight:boldchange all text in the class listing table to bold
&ClassStyle=font-weight:boldchange the font of just the class names to bold
&ShowClosed=1temporarily over-ride your system setting of not showing any full classes
&Closed=Fullchange all "0"s in the openings column to display text such as "Full" or "Please Call" or other text specified
&registertext=Enrollchange the word Register to Enroll, or other text, throughout the listing table
&tuitionlabel=Feechange the Tuition header name to Fee, or other text
&classlabel=Programchange the Class header name to Program, or other text
&sessionlabel=Termchange the Session header name to Term, or other text
&showlocname=trueif you are showing/adding the Location column to your table, this will display the full Location Name instead of the Location Code
&Cat1=dog|fish|bear|tiger use the | symbol to join/show multiple Cat1 (Category 1) names in the same table; can also be used for Cat2 or Cat3.  Note this will not work with the old traditional codes.

Wild Card Search

The Category 1, 2, and 3 query string searches act as wild card searches based on the "starts with" principle.

This can be handy if you want to combine several Category 1's (or 2's or 3's) together and they have a similar name that starts with the same spelling. For example, if you have Category 2 values called Tumblebees, Tumblebugs, and Tumbletots, you can include ALL those in the same table by just using &Cat2=Tumble. It will return all classes with a Cat2 value that begins with Tumble.

This can also be problematic if you are trying to exclude similarly named values. The quickest solution to try is to use &exact=1.

&exact=1 - put this right after a cat parameter to force (limit) the return to the EXACT spelling. For example, let's assume you have several Category 2's with these names: Baby, Baby and Me, Babydoll, and Baby Sings. If your code contains &Cat2=Baby, it will return all four of those as they all start with Baby. To get ONLY the Baby class (and exclude the others with Baby in the name), you'd need to use &Cat2=Baby&exact=1 in the code to limit the return to the exact spelling only.

Problems with Special Characters

HTML does not like special characters in the text. If you have characters in your Session or Category names, it will likely break the code. We strongly discourage using special characters in Session and Category names in your database.

Most browsers will automatically fix spaces, but other characters can wreak havoc. When using the Online Class Listing Table codes, try replacing your characters with their HTML approved "code":

Worst case example: If your Session name is Summer #B @pool, it would have to be coded as Summer%20%23B%20%40pool.
