Use ePayments in Jackrabbit

Once you're set up, learn how to process ePayments

Manage Credit Cards & Bank Accounts in the Family Record

Learn how to add, edit, and delete credit cards and bank account information in the Family record.

Process a Single ePayment

To accommodate different workflows, an individual ePayment can be generated in several ways.

Use Process ePayments to Create ePayments for Multiple Families at Once

Save time with the Process ePayments feature by capturing specific groups of families and processing them all at once, with just a few simple clicks!

Automate ePayments - Schedule ePayments to Process Later

Set it and Forget it! Schedule your ePayments to process later.

Automatically Omit a Family from Tuition or ePayment Batches

Special billing or tuition arrangements? Automatically exclude a family from Post Tuition Fees and Process ePayments.

Task Management for Automation

The Task Management page lists all the tasks that have been created and offers detailed information about each task.

ePayment Voids, Refunds, and Chargebacks

Learn how to handle credit card or bank account voids, refunds, and chargebacks.

EMV Chip Cards

Learn about EMV card technology and how to work with it in Jackrabbit.

Understand how Bank Draft/ACH Payments Process

Your organization should always follow up with the bank to find out if any bank draft/ACH payments were returned or declined.

Review Recent Transactions - ePayments

Recent Transactions > ePayments located under the Transactions menu lists all of the ePayments processed using Transactions (menu) > Process ePayments.