Parent Portal ePayments - An Overview

If your Jackrabbit system is connected to a gateway with one of our ePayment Partners, you can allow your customers to submit online payments directly to you via credit card or bank draft!

Accept Online ePayments

In order for you to accept ePayments in the Parent Portal you must: 

  • set up for ePayments and be connected with one of our Payment Partners for credit card and/or bank draft processing.
  • ...have your Parent Portal Activated (turned on) with a live link on your website for your parents to log into their portal (see Set Up the Parent Portal).
  • ...have the setting Can parents make payments through the Parent Portal? switched to Yes in the Accepting Payments & Managing Payment Methods section of the Parent Portal Settings from the Gear (icon) > Settings > ePayments > Manage Settings (Credit Card & Bank Account Settings).

If these are all in place you can allow your customers to submit online payments to your organization! The submitted payment goes through your payment gateway into your merchant account. 

Jackrabbit logs the payment into the customer's transaction history and you can even receive an email notification that a payment was made. No further action is required by you or your staff - you do not have to run Process Credit Cards to gather their payment because they have already "sent" it to you. 

You control what payment options are available in the Portal using the Payment preferences. Parent can: option settings in the Parent Portal Settings.
