Options for Viewing the Activity in your Parent Portal

Whether you are monitoring enrollments coming in through the Portal or are trying to help one of your parents who is having trouble using their Portal, having the right tools is essential. 

Jackrabbit provides several options to help you monitor Portal activity.

Family Record

Another option for viewing Portal activity is on an individual level, from the Family record.

Contact Page

A summary of a parent's portal activity (last login and number of logins) is displayed in the Portal Information section of the Contact record.

Misc Tab

On the Misc tab of the Family record, you can click View Registrations to see a list of recent activity.

The details of class enrollments, event registrations, and agreements to your legal policies that are done through the Parent Portal (and through Online Registration) are able to be viewed by clicking the View link.

Parent Portal Log

Detailed activity reporting is provided in the Parent Portal Log (found in Family Reports from the Families menu).
