Post Registration Fees

Many organizations charge a one-time fee when a new family signs up and is added to Jackrabbit. Sometimes this fee is only charged when a student enrolls in a class. It is also common to charge a registration fee for returning students when they register for new classes.

In Jackrabbit, there are several ways to post a one-time registration fee:

  • During Online Registration (new families)
  • When using Quick Registration (new families)
  • In the Post Enrollment Fees workflow in Jackrabbit (existing families)
  • In the Parent Portal (existing families)
If you post a fee to a family annually (membership, registration, insurance, etc.), check out the Post Annual Fees function!

Registration Fees are calculated and posted based on your defined settings. These settings are separated into two sections, New Families and Existing Families, and are found under the Gear icon > Settings > Registration Fees.

Before you define your settings, make sure that you have a Transaction Type (Debit) set up to identify registration fees (Gear icon > Settings > General > Drop-down Lists). 

Settings for New Families

When Do you charge registration fees? is set to Yes, several settings will display; they control how a registration fee for new families is handled during Online Registration and when a Jackrabbit User uses the Quick Registration form.

When do you post the fees?

This section defines when a registration fee is posted.

  • Always - The registration fee will post whether or not students are enrolled in any class(es).

  • Only when enrolling in a class - The registration fee will only post when enrolling in at least one class that is subject to a registration fee. Note: Trial and Waitlist enrollments do NOT count as class enrollment.

    TIP: These Registration Fee Settings are global, i.e., they affect all classes. However, you may have some classes that are not charged a registration fee, e.g., your summer classes. You can override the global setting by clearing the checkbox "Has a Registration Fee?" on the Summary tab of the Class record for those classes. Edit All Classes can be used to select multiple classes and change this setting which defaults to checked, i.e., Yes).
How do you post the fees?

This section defines how a registration fee is calculated.

  • When you Post per family, you'll define one amount that is charged to the family regardless of how many students are registered.

  • When you Post per student you'll outline the amounts to be charged to the first student registered, the second student, and then the third and subsequent students. Optionally, you can define the maximum amount of registration fees that should be posted to the family for the session.

  • If you only post registration fees when a student is enrolled, you'll have the option to Post per student per class. Students in the family will be charged the defined amount for each student for each class they are enrolled in, up to any set maximum amount.


A family registers with 4 students, and they are each enrolled in 2 classes:

  • If you post per family and have a family registration fee of $75:
    • One registration fee of $75 will post for the entire family.

  • If you post per student and have outlined Student #1 = $35, Student #2 = $30, and Student #3+ = $20 with a maximum of $100:
    • Four registration fees will post:
      • Student #1 $35
      • Student #2 $30
      • Student #3 $20
      • Student #4 $15 (the full $20 did not post for Student #4 because the family max of $100 was reached)

  • If you post per student per class and have outlined Student #1 = $20, Student #2 = $15, and Student #3+ = $10 with a maximum of $100:
    • Four registration fees will post:
      • Student #1 $40 ($20 for each class)
      • Student #2 $30 ($15 for each class)
      • Student #3 $20 ($10 for each class)
      • Student #4 $10 ($10 for the 1st class which brought the total to $100 so $0 was charged for their 2nd class)

Transaction Type

Select a Transaction Type from the drop-down. This will be 'stamped' on each registration fee posted. This is a required field and is shared with the Existing Families settings. 

If a change is made to this value in the New Families settings it will update the Existing Families Transaction Type setting and vice versa.

Transaction Subtype and Transaction Note

Optionally, select a Transaction Subtype and add a note to further identify the registration fees.

Category 1

Select a Category 1 value from the drop-down to identify the revenue 'bucket' where the registration fees should be categorized. If your Organization Default settings have been defined to make Cat1 required, this field will be a required field.

Use 1st Class Session

This is primarily used when you have concurrent sessions available for registration and is only applied when you Post per student. This setting tells Jackrabbit that instead of the Session value (below), the Session value of the FIRST class that is enrolled in will be what is 'stamped' on each registration fee posted at that time.

If you Post per family, the Session value below is recorded on each registration fee transaction posted.


When left blank, the current Session is used to classify the registration fees. Optionally, select a different Session using the drop-down.

Settings for Existing Families

When Do you charge registration fees? is set to Yes, several settings will display; they control how registration fees are handled for existing families in the Parent Portal and during the Post Enrollment Fees workflow within Jackrabbit.

Where do you post the fees?

This section defines when a registration fee is posted.

  • I want to post registration fees in Jackrabbit - Registration fees will be calculated and can be posted as part of the Post Enrollment Fees workflow in Jackrabbit.

  • I want to post registration fees in the Parent Portal - Registration fees will be applied to new students added and enrolled in classes in the Parent Portal.

  • I want to post registration fees in Jackrabbit and the Parent Portal - Registration fees will be applied in the Post Enrollment Fees workflow AND in the Parent Portal. Note: We recommend selecting this option. 
How do you post the fees?

This section defines how the registration fees are calculated.

  • When you Post per family, you'll define one amount that is charged to the family regardless of how many students are registered.

  • When you Post per student you'll outline the amounts to be charged to the first student, the second student, and then the third and subsequent students. Optionally, you can define the maximum amount of registration fees that should be posted to the family for the session.

  • You'll also have the option to Post per student per class. Students in the family will be charged the defined amount per student for each class they are enrolled in, up to any set maximum amount.


A family enrolls 4 students in 2 classes each from the Parent Portal:

  • If you post per family and have a family registration fee of $75:
    • One registration fee of $75 will post for the entire family.

  • If you post per student and have outlined Student #1 = $35, Student #2 = $30, and Student #3+ = $20 with a maximum of $100:
    • Four registration fees will post:
      • Student #1 $35
      • Student #2 $30
      • Student #3 $20
      • Student #4 $15 (the full $20 did not post for Student #4 because the family max of $100 was reached)

  • If you post per student per class and have outlined Student #1 = $20, Student #2 = $15, and Student #3+ = $10 with a maximum of $100:
    • Four registration fees will post:
      • Student #1 $40 ($20 for each class)
      • Student #2 $30 ($15 for each class)
      • Student #3 $20 ($10 for each class)
      • Student #4 $10 ($10 for the 1st class, which brought the total to $100, so $0 was charged for their 2nd class)

Transaction Type

Select a Transaction Type from the drop-down. This will be 'stamped' on each registration fee posted. This is a required field and is shared with the Existing Families settings. 

If a change is made to this value in the New Families settings, it will update the Existing Families Transaction Type setting and vice versa.

Transaction Subtype and Transaction Note

Optionally, select a Transaction Subtype and add a note to further identify the registration fees.

Category 1

Select a Category 1 value from the drop-down to identify the revenue 'bucket' where the registration fees should be categorized. If your Organization Default settings have been defined to make Cat1 required, this field will be a required field.

Use 1st Class Session

This is primarily used when you have concurrent sessions available for registration and only works when you Post per student. This setting tells Jackrabbit that instead of the Session value (below), the Session value of the FIRST class that is enrolled in will be what is 'stamped' on each registration fee posted at that time.

If you Post per family, the Session value below is recorded on each registration fee transaction posted.


When left blank, the current session is used to classify the registration fees. Optionally, select a different session using the drop-down.

Detect Registration Fees posted after 

This date is used to detect any registration fees that may have already been posted for the student or family and prevent them from posting again.

When you post registration fees per student or per family, this detection will prevent new registration fees from being posted when a match is found based on the following:

  • The same Student ID or the same Family ID.
  • The same Transaction Type.
  •  A date that falls after the date you've specified.

When you post registration fees per student per class, this detection looks to the maximum per family setting (optional) and will prevent fees from posting in excess of that maximum when a match is found based on the following:

  • The same Family ID.
  • The same Transaction Type.
  • A date that falls after the date you've specified.

If no maximum is defined, all registration fees will be posted.

Important Notes

  • If no Detect Registration Fees posted after date is entered, all fees will be posted.
  • The Student and Family IDs are either automatically generated by Jackrabbit or added during data import. They are displayed in either the Student record or the Family record in the footer on the left.
  • If you have defined a maximum fee when posting either per student or per student per class, registration fees will be posted until that maximum is met. If necessary, the last fee may be only partially posted to reach the maximum.

With your Shopping Cart preferences, you can make payment for any registration fees posted in the Parent Portal due upon checkout. Learn more about making payment required in the Parent Portal.
