The New Add Class Experience

A new streamlined way to add classes is coming to the Activity Calendar soon with the new Add Class drawer 🚀! 

Along with its sleek new look, the Add Class drawer brings powerful new features to the class creation workflow:

  • Open the new Add Class drawer using a new button that will be located on the Activity Calendar.
  • Add all important information up front with more fields available.
  • Customize the number of fields that are displayed in the drawer using a collapsible section.
  • Add a Category 1 drop-down value without leaving the Add Class drawer.
  • Review an instructor's skills, search for a specific instructor, or add a new instructor on the fly.
  • Fill in class details automatically when you click on an open time slot on the calendar to add the class.
  • Identify conflicts for instructors and rooms. The alert opens a window with details and quick access to related records so that changes can be made as needed.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q. I am happy that I can add a class from the Activity Calendar, but when will I be able to schedule makeups, enroll a student, add a student to the waitlist, etc.?

A. Great news! Add Class is the first of many features to come to the Activity Calendar. Our plan is to ensure that It has the same functionality (and more) as the Classic Calendar. 

Q. The Activity Calendar also includes Events and Appointments. Will we be able to add those from the calendar as well?

A. Add Class is the first, but we will also release the option to add Events and Appointments from the Activity Calendar. Stay tuned for more details as we approach those releases!

Q. If a staff member doesn’t have permission to add drop-down values or new staff, will they be able to do that in the new workflow from the Add Class drawer?

A. No, all User Permissions will be honored in this workflow as they are in other parts of the application.

Q. I like this Add Class workflow so much better. Will this be consistent throughout all areas of Jackrabbit where I can add a class?

A. The new Add Class drawer will be released in phases, starting with the Activity Calendar.  We plan to quickly add it to other areas of the system where you add classes, with the goal of making this enhancement available throughout Jackrabbit (except for the Classic Class Calendar). Stay tuned for updates as we continue to expand the reach of the new Add Class drawer!

Q. How does conflict checking work in the new Add Class drawer?

A. When you add a class, Jackrabbit will compare the following information against existing bookings:

  • Room
  • Instructor
  • Days
  • Start Date / End Date
  • Start Time / End Time

If a conflict is found, you'll receive a warning so you can decide how to proceed. This helps you avoid scheduling conflicts and ensure your classes run smoothly!

3 speech bubbles that say we want your feedback

We’ve just shared an overview of the new Add Class drawer, and we’d love to hear your thoughts! What sounds most useful? Are there any features you’d like to see added or adjusted? Your feedback helps shape the experience; let us know what you think!

Click here to share your feedback
