Spring Recitals, Camps & Closures

We'd like to help you organize your Spring holiday business plans, guide you through tasks you’ll want to consider, and help you communicate those plans with your parents and staff. We have a ton of fresh ideas & options to increase business income and visibility within your community. It's time to bloom!

Things to Consider

The answers to the questions below will help you create a plan, which will determine your next steps.

Are you closing anytime during the holidays? 
Review the calendar to determine the dates your business will be closed. This may have an effect on billing and prorated classes income. Plan on communicating the holiday closing dates with your students/families.
Do you want to add programming to generate additional income during the holidays?
Offer parents an opportunity for some "extra" time for themselves with Spring camps and events.
Will you be holding recitals or holiday presentations?
Use the Recitals feature to organize and manage your recitals, concerts, showcases, and more.

Things to Do

After you’ve thought about the questions above, it’s time to put those considerations into action.

Business Closed Dates

If you've determined that you will be closed on certain days during the holidays, here are tasks that may need to be completed: 


Another great way to offer something exciting is to offer events! Events can be Camps, Birthday Parties, Parents’ Night Out, Open Houses, etc. This will help you generate extra revenue!


The Recitals feature can help you organize and manage your exhibitions, showcases, and concerts. Learn more about Recital Management.

With our exclusive partnership with Tututix, you can simplify and streamline your recital ticketing process for in-person recitals.

Additional recital information:

Stay in Touch with Families & Staff

Now that you have your plans in place and you've taken action within Jackrabbit to prepare for the holidays, it's time to communicate those plans with parents and staff.

What's the best way to reach out to your tech-savvy and socially-minded millennial parents? Check out this blog, How to Connect with Millennial Parents, for some great marketing and messaging techniques.

Holiday Emails

Email families using pre-designed holiday email templates or create your own to easily promote your holiday events and classes!

Additional email information:

Email Closed Dates

Communicate to all your families when your facility will be closed:

  • Email families using the email template: 119 Holiday Closing Generic 1 or create your own.
  • Mass email closing information from Families (menu) > All Families.
Post an Event Notice

Post an Event Notice on your event calendar.

Parent Portal

Use the Parent Portal to effectively communicate your holiday plans! Designed to help you stay connected with your families at their leisure, you can send a public message to all parents, send private messages to a specific family, and so much more. 

Learn more about using the Parent Portal to communicate with your families: Parent Portal Communication - An Overview and Send a Public Message to all Parent Portals - News & Announcements.

Additional Parent Portal information:

Staff Portal

Your staff, especially your instructors, have a single place to access everything they need, including communications from you!  Use the Staff Portal to keep your staff updated and to let them know what to expect throughout the holidays.

Learn how Staff Portal News works and how to Send Emails from the Staff Portal. If you get stuck, use the Guided Staff Portal Setup to get you going!

Additional Staff Portal information:

If you have questions about any information in this article, please contact us. Click on the question mark icon in Jackrabbit to request assistance, or click here to book a call with one of our Support Specialists.
