User Permissions for Class Waitlists

There are several User Permissions related to Waitlists. These permissions allow the User to perform tasks such as adding students to a waitlist or changing a student's priority order.

User Permissions play a crucial role in protecting your data by controlling who can access, modify, or perform specific actions in your system.  Review Protect Your Account - User Permission Guidelines for more information.

To adjust a User's permissions, go to the Gear icon > Settings >  Users & Permissions > User IDs (click on a User ID) > User Permissions (left menu). Note: Users who are logged in when their permissions are changed will have to log out and back in for the changes to take effect.

Permissions Related to Waitlists

CategoryUser PermissionEnables access to
ClassesView ClassesClass details and the ability to view classes in Global Classes Search, Advanced Searches, List Classes, Class Openings, Waitlists, and Schedules. 
Edit WaitlistAdd, edit, and reorder a waitlist.
Waitlist ReportList of students on a waitlist.

See Permissions for Jackrabbit Users for more information.
