Automatically prorate your tuition fees for things like closures or mid-billing cycle drops.
Learn how tuition settings and related rules and options impact how Jackrabbit bills your families.
Several types of discounts can be applied when posting tuition fees in Jackrabbit.
Post Tuition Fees is a powerful tool that allows you to save time by posting tuition fees to multiple families at the same time.
Jackrabbit makes it simple to offer discount incentives to students, who take multiple classes, and families with multiple students.
Use a virtual class link or add a resource to a Class record and the information can be shared through the Parent Portal.
Use Resources to upload files and add links to the Family, Student, Class, and Staff records (Resources tab).
All Families generates a list of all active and inactive family records. Filter the grid data to take action for individual or multiple families.
Jackrabbit allows you to drop all classes for students in a family or for a single student when the drop date, drop reason, and drop notes are the same.
Use Find Unapplied Credits to find and apply credits for more than one family at the same time.
Last Updated: 12/06/2024 in Get Started in Jackrabbit
Use this internal form to manually add a new family.
When you track absences in Jackrabbit, you'll enter the days a student missed or will be missing class, and optionally schedule makeup classes.
Use the Make Sale/Post Fees page to post tuition fees in Jackrabbit.
Instructions for parents to schedule makeup classes in their Parent Portal.
Last Updated: 11/04/2024 in Use Jackrabbit Students
All Students, located in the Students (menu), generates a list of all active and inactive student records. Filter the grid data to take action for individual or multiple students.
When you utilize the Parent Portal, you can allow your parents to schedule absences through their portals.
A summary of all settings that control absences and makeups in the Parent Portal.
Follow these steps to accept charitable donations through Jackrabbit.
Last Updated: 06/13/2024 in Get Started in Jackrabbit
Are you a self-starter? These resources are here for you 24/7.
Last Updated: 11/04/2024 in Use Jackrabbit Classes
All Classes, located in the Classes menu, generates a list of all active and inactive classes. Filter the grid data to take action for individual or multiple classes.