Process a Single Bank Account Draft

 In order to process a single bank account payment:

  • ePayments must be activated for your Jackrabbit system.
  • The family must have ePayment=Bank Draft saved to their Billing Info tab.
  • The family must have bank account details saved to their Billing Info tab. (See Manage Credit Cards & Bank Accounts in the Family Record section.
  • The Home or Primary Phone field on the Family record > Summary tab must contain a phone number.

Use the steps below to submit a single bank account for payment:

  1. Use the Global Search field to locate the family.
  2. Click the Payment/Credit button on the Family page.
  3. In the Payment/Credit Transaction Entry screen, the Trans Date defaults to the current date (today's date). Change if needed.
  4. Pmt Type defaults to Payment (Credit) and should not be changed.
  5. It is not necessary to enter a Method of payment. This will be auto-assigned based on the payment method used, eg. Visa, Mastercard or Bank Account.
  6. Enter an amount in the Pmt Amount field.
  7. To apply the payment to the oldest fees first, click Apply Payment to Oldest Fees First.
  8. To apply the payment to specific fees, click the Apply Amt field for the specific fee to be paid. When you click the field, Jackrabbit will pre-fill the amount in; however this can be edited to a different amount when applicable.
  9. Click the Use Card/Acct on File button.
  10. The Post ePayment box opens. Verify the information and click Submit ePayment.
  11. Bank Account transactions are always initially approved as they don't process in real-time. Bank account transactions can take up to 7-10 days to complete 'settlement' and can be declined during this time. Be sure to confirm a bank account transaction with your bank records. For more information, see Reconcile Bank Drafts with Bank Statements.
  12. This information is recorded on the Family's Transactions tab, and the family balance is updated accordingly.

For details on processing groups of bank accounts at one time, see The Post Tuition Fees Feature - Your #1 Tool for Tuition Posting.
