How to delete any template - even the customized Jackrabbit templates.
Set your organization's preferences that affect multiple areas in Jackrabbit.
Use the View Sent Emails button (Misc tab > Family record) to verify if a parent was sent a password reset email.
A family is considered active when it has at least one student enrolled in a class that has not been archived.
Access to a Parent Portal will be suspended after five incorrect attempts.
Once a class has completely ended and all tuition has been posted, the class should be archived rather than deleted.
Total Hours staff will enter the number of hours they work each day rather than a time in and time out.
Tracking when students are absent from, or present in, class provides important metrics for your organization; attendance is a critical factor in your students' success. To accommodate different workflows, Jackrabbit offers several ways to record...
When you track absences in Jackrabbit, and offer makeups, the Parent Portal can be set to allow your families to schedule makeups for their students independently, through their portals. Not only does this save you hours of administrative time, ...
Manual In/Out staff will manually enter their time in and time out each day.
The Executive Dashboard keeps you informed of critical performance indicators and informs staff about tasks and announcements.
If your Jackrabbit system is set up for ePayments, you can allow your customers to submit credit card or bank draft payments through their Portals.
Understand the email process and what you should avoid doing to increase your delivery rates.
Procedures to create and edit Policy Groups for your organization.
Jackrabbit stores your data into four main areas: Family, Student, Class, and Staff records.
Recent Transactions > ePayments located under the Transactions menu lists all of the ePayments processed using Transactions (menu) > Process ePayments.
Reliable ways to communicate with parents using the Parent Portal.
Your organization should always follow up with the bank to find out if any bank draft/ACH payments were returned or declined.
Let your customers know about the fantastic convenience you are offering!
You have the option to offer trial enrollments for new students coming in through the Online Registration Form.